thirty three

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we walked to the garage and i saw natalia resting in it. i looked at yeonjun and silently questioned how the bike was there.
" i asked one of the guys to go get it." he answered. of course he wasn't going to leave it rotting outside the bar, what was i thinking?

" which baby are you taking today, junnie?" i asked him softly. he hummed quietly, tapping his chin and genuinely thinking of which bike he's taking today. " let's take yuki! it's been a long time since i took her out. let's go baby." he smiled happily. my smile grew bigger when i saw him so happy. that was when i realised that maybe i really was in love with him. he makes me feel safe and protected; no one else ever made me feel that way. when he smiles, i smile too and i can feel his happiness and his sadness. the way he looks at me with adoration in his eyes and the way he reassures me on things that worry me truly makes me feel like im actually wanted. the way he changes the way he speaks to me, with such a gentle voice that calms my heart down.

oh my god....i actually love him. 

i know that he will make me feel that way about myself too; confidence. i smiled at him, knowing well enough that his actions of love paid off.
" why are you staring at me like that?"
my smile widened, " okay now you look creepy.." my smile dropped and i glared at him.
" im just kidding! come on lets go," i hopped on the bike with his help.
" okay we might actually need to teach you how to sit on a bike without falling off.." he sighed and patted on my thigh after getting on the bike.
" grip my thighs with yours, tightly. when i turn, you turn. understand?" i nodded understandingly and instantly grip his thighs with mine. he started the bike and we rode all the way to the cafe. at first, it was scary when he turned the first corner but knowing it was yeonjun, i know i was safe.

when we reached the place, i saw a familiar looking bike. one that i saw ever so often but one i was never allowed to sit on.
i tapped on yeonjun's shoulder," can we go to another cafe instead?" all the bad memories came back to me. my stance staggered when i saw the man walk out of the cafe. the same man that ruined my life. the same man that made me hate these people in the first place. the man who made my heart shatter into pieces. the same man, who made me who i was today, a stupid broken man. yeonjun seemed to notice my uncomfortable look and held me when i was about to fall down.
" hey..what's wrong? baby tell me what's wrong." i just gazed ahead of him when the man caught my eyes and held contact. yeonjun followed my gaze and saw him. " let's go." he pulled me away from the place but before we could even leave, the man spoke.

" look who we have here...! choi soobin, how have you been? loving leo's dick, huh?" jiyong mocked, with his smug face filled with an ugly smirk. i sucked in a breath. 
" what do you want?" i asked with my head held high.
" ooooh choi soobin!! you seem more confident, huh? was it leo's fucking?" he cackled along with his stupid minions. i huffed and tried asking again, but this time, i couldn't. because yeonjun beat me to it. 

" oi. the fuck you want? wasting my damn time." he clicked his tongue in annoyance. he held my hands tightly, staring down at the man. jiyong seethed in anger.
" who you talking to boy? don't interfere with the adults talking and go play at the playground." well, i guess yeonjun did look younger than his age. jiyong mocked and laughed yet again with his minion. yeonjun scoffed.
" who are YOU talking to boy? pretty sure we know who the child is over here. now fuck off and leave us alone." i stared at him, surprised he hasn't punched the living shit out of jiyong yet. jiyong coughed and cleared his throat, looking at his minions who were all looking down at this point.
he pulled on yeonjun's collar, " shut the fuck up. do you know who i am? ha. im seo jiyong. seo jiyong! from the golden diamond!!" yeonjun smirked playfully, " sorry, who the fuck are you?" he swatted jiyong's hands away from his jacket. 

jiyong threw him a punch which of course, he avoided. yeonjun pushed me aside as i stood there.
" come on boy. show me what you got." he got into a fighting stance, his fists closed tightly and lightly swaying his body. jiyong jumped at him, carelessly throwing punches after punches while yeonjun just dodged all of it. he swiftly caught on jiyong's fist and punched straight into his stomach. jiyong backed away, coughing out blood. 
" aw come on don't tell me that's all you got. i was having fun." yeonjun made fun of him. jiyong growled and ran straight in yeonjun's direction. yeonjun stepped to the right and jiyong ran past him. jiyong stopped and looked back, running again. this time yeonjun punched him in his face and jiyong groaned, holding his nose in pain. " y-you wait! i'll c-come b-back!!"

" fucking pussy." yeonjun clicked his tongue. fanning his hands that were bruised, he turned to me.
" you okay? come here baby." he opened his arms for me and i walked right into it. i looked up and into his eyes. " i love you." his eyes widened in shock.
" w-woah..w-wait woah...wait woah..what?" i giggled at his reaction.
" i love you. now say it back because i deserve it." he smiled in happiness. " woah..are you serious?" i nodded my head. " now quickly say it back!" 

" i love you too choi soobin.." 

" i'll tell you everything today.."

hey guys im back from the dead!!! im sorry for the late update but nothing was coming into my brain and i'd rather update late than give a shitty filler chapter t.t 
have a good day/night guys!!! 

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