forty eight

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watch the video above for a visual representation of what yeonjun is doing. also light flash warning for the video!!! also based on fast and furious pretty sure yall have watched at least one of the parts bc wattpad is a bitch so i cant add more than one clip :")

it was only a few minutes in when i heard gunshots flying everywhere. it was literally like how it sounded in movies. however, not once did i feel a falter in yeonjun's focused state. i bet you he was sitting still, eyes trained on the road as he spinned the car like a professional F1 racer. i could feel the car going into sharp turns and spins. i could hear the car screeching against the surface of the road. i could hear yeonjun's hard panting. i could hear him changing the gear and spinning the stirring wheel. i could hear everything clearly.

but i couldn't see the only person i wanted to see. i couldn't hear the voice of the only person i wanted to hear. even when he was right beside me. because he asked me to trust him and close my eyes.

" baby i can tell you're worried and upset but i promise you. i won't let them hurt you. i'll die protecting you if i must." i could finally hear his voice over the rev of the engine. his voice, it was desperate. like he was searching for a solution that wasn't there to begin with.


my whole body jerked forward. i could hear a loud thud and yeonjun groaning.

" y-yeonjun..?" i heard him groan again. i was about to open my eyes when his voice filled my ears.
" don't. don't open them, baby. okay? im fine." i could already feel my eyes brimming with tears, threatening to fall on my cheeks. i kept it in. yeonjun already has enough on his plate with the whole tailing situation and i did not need to burden him even further with my cries.

yeonjun pressed on the accelerator and we went faster than before, if that was even possible.


the tailing car caught up with us. my body jerked forward again before hitting the seat on a hard impact. i wheezed as i felt my lungs getting knocked out of air. it was getting harder to close my eyes, especially with my tears itching my eyes. i wiped them away with the sleeve of yeonjun's hoodie i had on. i heard yeonjun groan before he said,
" fuck it."

and i heard him open a cap of something and pressing a button. suddenly, i was jerked backwards as the car went even faster, beyond its limit. i tried to stay calm and stay quiet but i couldn't hold back the small whimper slipping past my lips.
" sorry baby. i have to do what i have to so you survive."

i didn't answer that. i couldn't. i didn't know what to say to that.

my hands were intertwined tightly in hopes that it would prevent me from reaching over to hold his hands. it was something i found myself doing and has become a habit. i felt safe with his hands holding mine. it gives me a sense of security. i could feel my hands becoming numb as the blood circulation lessened. my brain was filled to the brim with thoughts, thoughts about why this was happening.

why us, why yeonjun.

why not others? it was all why, why, why.

it was inevitable, yes. if only there was just a sliver of hope that it could be anybody else. i would take that possibility anyday. yes, i am selfish. yes, i shouldn't be wishing others to be in death's way but when it involves someone you truly care and love about, anything was possible to keep them safe and alive.

back at the base

the button has been pressed. there was no turning back now. everyone was downstairs, geared up and ready to go. nobody understood what was happening. they don't even know what's going on! everything went by in a flash. it was quick. everybody was not expecting yeonjun to call for that code. you could cut the room with a knife with the increasing tension building up. not once has he called it, even when soobin was kidnapped!

words were spreading fast in the underworld and the mafia handling the blue moon caught on. luckily, they were understanding. probably just this once. yeonjun was an outstanding leader and has been showing great leadership qualities. hell, maybe he might even get to run the whole group!

the boss was not a man you could play with. he was ruthless, merciless with no heart and no soul. he has countless mistresses and paramours by his side. he handled drugs, money laundering, frauds, weaponization, even organ trafficking! he has multiple corrupted ministers and cops under his belt to be used as pawns, whenever and wherever.

needless to say, this was uncalled for.
vincenzo had missed his flight back home and had to leave milan alone. he was one step away from passing through security when taehyun had called him. he couldn't believe this was happening in the first place. milan was upset and worried.

of course he was worried, yeonjun had called for a war. he declared war. this wasn't a joke. its reality. they've trained for this for years. it was so rare that they thought it was a myth!

everyone, including vincenzo, hsuled themselves into vans. taehyun put aside his personal matters with beomgyu and worked with him to figure out yeonjun's location. the others synchronised their timing. they were cladded in black and bulletproof vests with guns in their hands. each if them were in their own zone. some of them were deep in thought, some were taking a nap and others were writing down letters, in fear they would die and was unable to say goodbye to their significant other.

it was a voiceless and mutual agreement that this was a deadly mission. everybody knew that, they signed up for it in the first place. it was either kill or be killed. it was either you're meeting satan or you're meeting the surgeon. either way, you won't get out unscathed.

there was going to be a bloodbath and it was unavoidable

HEY HO sorry for being a ghost fkr the past two weeks, school work has been taking a toll on me and i wasn't catching up on my assignments so i had to take time to finish things. so! im so sorry for the late chapter but i hope you enjoy it! have a nice day/night, eat your meals and stay hydrated. take care of yourself because you're the main character. keep that chin up and show that flawless face of yours!!

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