thirty four

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" alright we'll have our waffles and then head back to my apartment. okay?" i smiled at his thoughtfulness. i nodded my head and walked inside happily. the moment the door opened, there were eyes all over us and murmurs of people. i assumed it was because of what happened outside. yeonjun however, was not taking it quite alright. 

" what? never seen a bitch get beaten up before? pussies." he snarled at them and right then the eyes looked away and the murmurs stopped. i smacked him on his bicep. " ow!! what was that for?" i looked at him with a don't-be-stupid look. " so you can just call them pussies because they haven't seen someone get beaten up?" i asked him. " well TECHNICALLY-" i put my finger on his lips. " no. nope. nope. we're not doing this today babe." he slightly pouted and his shoulders drooped. " now apologize to them. nicely, choi yeonjun. im being serious." i raised my eyebrows as he hesitated. 

" im sorry for the ruckus.." 
" and? louder, yeonjun." he huffed and spoke with a louder voice.
" im sorry for the ruckus and calling everyone pussies." the people in the cafe just nodded and looked away, murmuring to each other. " good job, babe. now go get our waffles." he trudged away to the counter to go get our waffles as i find our seat. 

yeonjun's pov

" i'll get a banana whipped cream waffle with chocolate drizzle and a strawberry whipped cream waffle with chocolate ice cream and caramel drizzle please." i ordered silently. im still sulking over the fact that these people had the audacity to stare at us like that. its not my fault their all pussies. bunch of idiots is what they are. i huffed as the lady at the counter touched away on her machine thing. " your boyfriend?" i silently nodded. " he looks way younger than you. what's the age gap?" 
" five years." i grumbled. im literally just waiting to pay and get my damn receipt so i can go sit down and stare at soobin but no. nope. this lady just had to delay everything. 
" is he studying? what do you work as? those punches were impressive." i glared at the lady trying to pry into our private life. " none of your damn business. now can i fucking pay?"

the lady cleared her throat. " that'll be $30." i quickly gave her my card and punched in the code, took the receipt and walked off, back to my baby. i sat down at our table and stared at him playing with the tissues, trying to fold it into a swan. i chuckled as the tissue tore and he groaned. " what the fuck?? youtube be lying to my ass about this. yeonjun go sue them!!"
i shrugged my shoulders. " well who would've thought you'd listen to troomtroom.." 
" hey!! that's an insult to other actual diy channels!!" he pouted. i rested my head on my palm as i looked at him ramble on and on about origami using toilet paper and tissues. 

our waffles then arrived. his eyes sparkled with joy looking at the chocolate ice cream. he started digging in and i looked at him happily. im glad he's happy with me. or maybe he isn't. he said that he loved me for the first time today and it was so nice to hear it from him. it sounded like unicorns and rainbows and fairies and everything magical. he stopped eating. 

" im full.." i looked at his plate. he's barely eaten half of the waffle. " no you're not. what's wrong, baby?" i asked, looking at him with concern. he started fidgeting. " you keep staring at makes me feel like i've eaten too much and you're disgusted and you think that im fat and you won't love-" i cut him off before he could even finish the damn sentence. 

" im staring at you because you look happy eating your favourite food and im happy that i have you here eating. you're not fat. you could barely fit my clothes and you're taller than me. and i will always love you, baby.." he stared at me with doubt in his eyes. " really?" 

" yes. now please baby, eat." he slowly started eating. 
" can you please stop staring at me and eat your food too...?" i started digging in while stealing a few glances of him munching on the waffles cutely. he looked like a rabbit and it was adorable. 

back to soobin's pov

it was nice to hear yeonjun say that he's happy that im eating. nobody's said that to me before. suddenly, one of our phones rang. it was yeonjun's. and that was when i knew something was up. he's never gotten a call before unless it was something urgent. 

" daniel speaking." the heads from beside our tables turned upon hearing that name. hmm..i guess yeonjun is more popular than i thought he was. 
" what?!" he dropped his fork onto the plate. " well then fucking deal with it!!" 

oo..sounds like someone's in trouble. " well what the fuck do you want me to do then?! you expect me to do everything for you or what?? am i training a bunch of idiotic pussies?!?!" he clicked his tongue in annoyance before ending the call. " bunch of fucking idiots.." 
he pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. " do you need to go?" he shook his head.
" its nothing serious, darling. just a few....stupid people.." i gazed into his eyes and immediately knew he was lying. " are you going to tell the truth?" 

" we found the gang that has been messing around with us but the newbies don't know what to do with them. i've already trained them for this. literally all they need to do is beat them up and get answers out. fucking hell..." i sighed. " well if they called you then doesn't that mean they really need your help? faster eat your food and go help them. no buts. understood?" he only nodded and continues eating his food. i grinned and continued eating my food as well.

sorry for the long wait but my brain wasnt working after my math paper AHAHAHAH
ALSO i tried the i wanna ruin our friendship thing on my bestie and all he said was what?? wdym?? you dont even have my jersey???? but he caught on after and went along lmao he aint uncultured at least. IT WAS A PRANK BY THE WAY ASUDHSJFHI im still single and lonely t.t

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