thirty one

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i was laying down beside soobin for awhile now, just staring at him sleep. it was creepy, to say the least but when you finally have someone to lay down with, trust me it isn't creepy but more like adoration. it was that way for quite awhile before i heard his stomach grumble in hunger while he was still asleep. i then forced myself to get up to cook some food.

let me tell you this, i can't cook for shit. i don't know how to cook. the only thing i can cook is ramen and pasta. i once tried cooking something other than those two and it didn't end well. we had to move out to another living space and i was banned on cooking duty for like, the rest of the time i spend with the gang. so technically i am breaking the rules right now but when have i not? i unlocked my phone and put it on a makeshift stand that consists of the cookie jar and a coaster.  i went to youtube and searched for a simple fried rice recipe. i already knew this was gonna be shitty but it's worth a try, ain't it? i found a decent video of ten minutes.

it said to get a frying pan. so i looked all over the kitchen for a frying pan. i saw one that looked similar but it was on the flatter side. i guess that's fine, right?

i started with the garlic and onions, which was chopped quite...weirdly but it's whatever. then i cracked the egg. but the egg ran away from the pan and landed on the other side of the stove. i started to panic and was trying to stop it from running away and burnt myself in the process.
" fuck!!" i turned the stove off and ran my hand under running water. i heard light footsteps coming down the stairs and running towards me.

" what's wrong, jjunie?" i heard his soft voice say from behind me. he always had this soft voice when he just woke up which made me undeniably coo when he wakes up everytime and says good morning. i whipped my head around and quickly brushed it off. "nothing. nothing's wrong, baby. go back to bed. i'll order some food." he pouted, furrowing his eyebrows and waddled to me. " don't lie to me, daniel choi. show me your hand. now." i shuddered at his tone and slowly brought my hand where a small burn mark was starting to show. he glared at me and smacked my chest. " you gonna hide this from me?! you fuckin idiot. and you're the older one. by five years!" he dragged my non burnt hand up to the bathroom and took out the first aid kit. he took out the skin cream and q tips. he squeezed the cream onto my hand, which stung like shit and spread it with the q tip. he blew on it softly and we waited for it to dry properly.

" you're such a big dumbo, daniel. you made me worried when you screamed!" i grinned like a fool and he continued to glare at me cutely.
" what were you doi-"

" CHOI YEONJUN!!!!!!! GET BACK HERE YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!" i flinched at the screaming of taehyun. how could i forget? taehyun was a clean freak and also the one who banned me from entering the kitchen in the first place. i kissed soobin on his forehead and told him i'd be right back. i rushed down the stairs and was met with a raging taehyun.

" y-you're back early...hehe..s-so i-" i tried explaining myself but taehyun shushed me. " clean the mess up. we are NOT moving because of you again, daniel." i nodded my head and went to the kitchen to clean things up. seniority was important in this household and taehyun knew that. he respected the seniors but if you mess the place up, you're fucked. he is really meticulous about how things go about. im pretty sure he has ocd but he has never admitted it neither do i think he wants to share any more personal things about himself that the gang already knows of.

i went up to the room after cleaning up. i don't think i'll ever try to cook anything other than ramen and pasta for the mean time. upon entering the room, i was greeted with soobin reading a book with his glasses on. everytime he wore the glasses, it made me melt. he looked so adorable with those on. i got him books as a gift the other day because beomgyu mentioned that soobin loved reading books. " ello...i was reading the book you gave me the other day.." he said closing the book and putting it aside.

" i noticed. hey, i have to go train the juniors in their combat...uh i think you should rest for a bit and read your book in the mean time. i'll be back in about two hours, okay? i ordered fried rice and some side dishes. i hope you like buttermilk chicken. it'll be here in twenty minutes. the money's on the table okay? i gotta go, baby. i'll see you soon." i quickly said and kissed him before leaving the room. the gears are all in the basement anyways, i didn't have to bring anything.

this is gonna be a loooong day.

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