thirty five

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the ride back home was pretty tense for me. i don't know, maybe its the fact that yeonjun is going to the mansion to beat some people up or maybe its the fact that i was going to tell him everything that happened to me in my life. it has been one month with this man, i'll admit that it was the best time i had in my entire life. i have never really felt the age gap between us although sometimes he doesn't get the slangs i use. probably because this man doesn't use the internet much. he's acting like a forty year old man. at least he doesn't dress like one. yeonjun is a big fashionista, im not even joking.

this man dresses up to go to the grocery store ten minutes away from his apartment. the other day we went to the school and he wanted to wear this turtleneck even though it was hot outside. he literally said, " it fits with the pants i wanna wear though.." 
i had to convince him otherwise and told him he'll get a heat stroke if he wore it.

it didn't work. he wore the damn turtleneck and would have gotten a heat stroke if i hadn't dragged him home. he's really stubborn and doesn't like it if things don't go his way. he's also really possessive. one time heeseung hugged me and for the rest of the month he didn't even look me in the eye. why? because yeonjun glared at him like he was going to kill him.

he's really cute when we're alone though. he's very affectionate and asks for hugs every other minute. he sometimes does baby talk and although its very cringy, it was cute because yeonjun is the one who did it. he gets really sulky if i don't spend enough time with him or when i go back to my apartment to get some clothes.

when i scold him, he looks like a child whose ice cream got stolen by another kid. he'll look at me with those puppy eyes and pout and then say sorry really softly. he's so adorable i wanna punch him in the face. sometimes, when he's actually doing serious work, he doesn't really pay attention to anyone and gets really drawn into his work but when i ask him for his attention, he puts away everything in a heartbeat and pulls me into his lap. im very lucky to have this man. he gives me everything i need. reassurance and love and care. 

soon after, we arrived at the mansion. yeonjun told me he would come back in about two hours so i could hang out with the other kids while waiting for him. so that's what i did. 

yeonjun pov

" who do you work for?"
" the devil."
" i said. who do you work for?"
" i said. the devil."
" alright that's it. im giving you one last chance. do you understand?" i cocked my gun and pointed it to his forehead. " g-go ahead s-shoot m-me.." i pulled the trigger and he screamed, thinking it was an actual bullet. " i-i'll tell you!!! i'll t-tell you!" i smirked. this always worked on small gangs. they act tough and then cower when a gun comes into the picture. 
" who do you work for?" i asked the shivering boy. " t-the uh red roses.." i scoffed, of course its them. who else carves a rose into the chest of their victims? " why are you guys killing my people?" the boy's eyes widened and he started to mumble incoherently. 

" listen if i tell you, i'll get killed." he said, whimpering in pain and the image of him getting killed by his boss filling his mind. " and if you don't tell me, i'll kill you. so decide your fate." the boy started fidgeting around the ropes that bound him to a chair.  " o-okay.. p-promise me you'll take me in your side after i-i tell you..i-i can't g-go back.." 

" i promise you, boy." i smiled at his naivety. no promises are being kept here in the basement. 
" the plan was to raid your side and take over all your territories. the boss always wanted this side of the town. so he gathered all the small gangs from this area to kill some of your men to spark a war and then win against you guys.. then take everything you guys control.." i nodded my head. " hmm.. alright. thank you for answering." he smiled and chuckled " its alright. so when can i get into your side?"

" now, now.. don't be so excited.. hmm?" i cocked my gun and pointed it to the boy. " aww so sad you didn't listen to me the first time.." i chuckled loudly. BANG. " awww...he's dead." i said, pouting jokingly. " clear the body. do you understand what to do now? you bunch of fucking idiots." i grumbled, wiping the blood off of my face. i looked down at my shirt, now stained with blood and brain matter. " oh fucking hell.." i clicked my tongue in annoyance, climbing up the stairs back to where soobin was. 

" darling?? where are you?" i called for soobin. " in your room!!" he screamed from the second floor. i quickly climbed up the stairs, forgetting about my shirt covered in blood and brain matter. " hey, let's go." i said, taking my wallet and phone that soobin brought up for me. i turned to him, raising my eyebrows. he was just staring at me like my shirt was covered in blood. oh wait. it is covered in blood. 

" oh shit.." i quickly took off my shirt and threw it somewhere else. " what was that? don't even lie to me. i heard that gunshot. im not dumb, choi yeonjun. you don't have to lie to me saying that you don't kill people anymore." i sighed, sitting next to him. " well.. i won't lie to you about anything anymore, okay? i'll tell you everything about my job that you need to know." he kept quiet. 

" uh..well first things first, we don't kill innocent people. the people we kill have done crimes. child rapists, kidnappers, murderers, know, nasty people. i know you're going to say that we're not any different than them but.. we have done our time and repented for our sins. these people, they do it multiple times without stopping to think about what they've done. they do it for power. we do it for the greater good. we're the better evil," i only hoped that he would understand where i come from. i mean, working in this line of job, its inevitable that there's bloodshed. the first time you become committed to a certain group, you'll be asked to kill someone. right off the bat there's some kind of murdering needed to be done. its something we do to show our loyalty. " well.. for certain groups, we have our way to show that we did this killing. its also a way to show the cops that its not some other normal civilian that did it but us. this is why our murders don't really show up on the news or being spoken of. the people that work for us go to jail for us. that's practically their job. they signed up for this. normally these people, they don't have families to take care of. we only pick those kind of people. they don't have anyone or anything to live for. for us, we use our blue bandana to cover up the wound that caused the death of the person. for the red roses, our rival gang, they carve a rose onto the chest of the person," soobin widened his eyes, " wait.. the one you gave me?" i nodded silently. 

" its a way of identifying our blood. so you don't get killed. you're protected as long as you have the bandana," soobin nodded. " can i just.. ask a question?" 

" sure.. anything you wanna know." 

" how did you end up in jail the first time?"

everything went quiet. oh shit. here's where he's gonna think im some evil being for doing it. 

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