forty three

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" how's taehyun doing?" soobin asked yeonjun after they sat down for breakfast the next week.
" well, he has been crying in his room these past few days.. you know how much beomgyu influences his life. he's not coming out to eat either. his tasks are all being done by someone else... he's not doing well..." yeonjun sighed as he picked on his food, not liking the fact that his little brother is miserable. " oh dear... make sure to feed him though.. he'll get sick.. im going to go check on beomgyu.." yeonjun widened his eyes at the statement. soobin must be crazy. 
" what for? baby, he kicked you out in the middle of winter." yeonjun stated, bewildered at soobin's kindness. " well, he had a reason for that! you're not stopping me either, yeonjun. he's my best friend." yeonjun sighed, knowing he couldn't go against soobin once he had set his mind onto something. " alright, i'll take you there and wait downstairs." soobin grinned, he has yeonjun wrapped around his slender fingers.  

soon, they were out of their pajamas and into their normal daily outfits. soobin was nervous and you could see his hands shaking as his breathing quickened. he sat down on the bed, fidgeting with his fingers, trying to calm down. yeonjun noticed his uneasiness and kneeled down in front of soobin, taking soobin's hands into his, softly caressing it. " you don't have to do it if you don't want to. i know it will be hard. im here for you." soobin shook his head, " no. i need to do this. i can't lose my only best friend.." yeonjun smiled, proud of his boyfriend's bravery. he ruffled soobin's hair and took his hands, slowly leading both of them out of the apartment. yeonjun started the bike and helped soobin with his helmet. soobin was getting the hang of wearing it himself already, but yeonjun always wanted to help him wear it. soobin thought it was a cute habit of his and just let yeonjun do it whenever they were going out. soon, they arrived at soobin's former apartment, where beomgyu now lived alone. soobin breathed out a heavy breath and willed himself to get out of the safety of yeonjun's arms that ere around him and walk to the elevator. soobin waved to yeonjun and yeonjun just nodded his head, leaning against his bike. 

soobin rang the doorbell to the familiar door. no one was answering, so he knocked on the door countless times before beomgyu opened the door, only for it to be slammed closed again. 
" fuck off!" soobin sighed as he felt the need to cry. " beomgyu, please just- please talk to me.."
he heard beomgyu crying on the other side of the door and he slid down, about to cry as well. 
" beomgyu, you're- you're the only person that completely understands me.. you've been there for me every time and i- i just want to be here for you too..." 
" shut up, leave me alone!!" soobin started sobbing as he heard beomgyu's broken cries. beomgyu may not see soobin and not want to talk to soobin but soobin was there for him. he was right there, outside. listening. he was present. soobin sat there on the other side of the door, crying with beomgyu for the next hour. soobin was gone for so long that yeonjun had came looking for him. 

"baby... i was so worried.. what's going on?" yeonjun said as he sat down with soobin on the floor and pulled him closer so soobin could cry on his shoulder. yeonjun sighed softly as he caressed soobin's hair. " i just- i just want him back..." soobin cried out. soon enough, soobin's crying died down into sniffles and both of them could hear beomgyu snoring on the other side of the door. soobin wiped away his tears and took out the key he never got rid of and slowly opened the door. he asked yeonjun to carry beomgyu so it would be faster. they set him on his bed and covered him in the blanket, closed the door and left the apartment after making sure the door was locked. 

" he'll come around, baby. he just needs time, okay?" yeonjun comforted soobin. soobin nodded and let out a small 'i know'. he was NOT going to lose his best friend. he refused to.

how's life going? please eat well and wear warm clothes for those who have winter. sleep well and stay safe! <33333333 ALSO!!!!! hAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYY TOOOOO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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