seventeen right here

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they got on yeonjun's bed, shifting around the pillows and getting into a comfortable position. yeonjun draped the blanket over them. soobin was sitting in front of yeonjun, his back leaned against yeonjun's chest. yeonjun wrapped his arms around soobin's waist, and soobin started playing with yeonjun's fingers.
" are you still mad at me?" he asked, disappointed in himself. " i'll never be mad at you. and it wasn't your fault, okay?" soobin nodded and kept quiet after that. " do you wanna watch a movie or anything?" soobin shook his head no. he had no mood to watch a movie and just wanted to rest in the arms of yeonjun. 

" daniel, can i ask a question?" yeonjun looked at him in amusement. " hmm, i guess you're getting a little more comfortable with me. what is it?" soobin fidgeted, turning around. 
" have you ever....killed someone?" yeonjun widened his eyes. " uh.. well yes, of course. it is a tough life, sometimes we are forced to do so. we follow orders." he explained. obviously, in this line of 'job', murder was inevitable. soobin nodded, " okay..." yeonjun sighed. " please don't worry.. we only kill when its necessary." 
" do you seriously hear yourself right now?" yeonjun stayed quiet. meanwhile soobin kept on talking, " and you tell me not to worry?... are you listening, daniel choi?!" yeonjun nodded, "yes, yes i am, baby." soobin glared at him, " oh no, don't you call me baby, daniel! if you don't stop killing people, i swear i will not hesitate to leave you!" 

" oh god, soobin. im in a gang. what do you think i do for a living?" soobin ignored his words. 
" yeonjun, you have no rights to choose life or death towards someone. and, doing all that risks YOUR life yeonjun. and i don't want to lose another person i love!" yeonjun stared at soobin. 

" you love me..?" soobin blushed. " t-that's not t-the p-point! tsk, shush it!" yeonjun giggled.
" choi soobin loves meee!" 
" daniel! shut it!" yeonjun shook his head. " never."
" stop teasing me you asshole. god, you're so damn annoying."

yeonjun cackled while soobin was glaring at him. if his glaring could kill, man. yeonjun would probably be lying dead on the bed. " anyways, you don't have to worry. don't you know im strong?" yeonjun softly smiled.

" we don't really kill anymore.. maybe just a little beating, but no killing." soobin looked at him, squinting his eyes. " are you sure?" yeonjun nodded. " you know jin hyung? yeah, his husband's our boss. after jin hyung got kidnapped and almost killed by red roses for revenge, joon hyung vowed not to put him in any more danger. so, yeah..." 
" well, im glad. never expected namjoon hyung to be that kind of guy. i mean, he's really gentle." 

yeonjun nodded. " now cuddle." soobin giggled, leaning back into yeonjun's chest once again. 
" one more question! last one." yeonjun hummed, " what is it?"

" i'll never see you bloodied, right? or close to dying..?" yeonjun hugged him tighter. " hopefully not.." 

" promise?"
" promise."

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