twenty six

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when we arrived at the bar, i quickly pecked yeonjun's lips and ran into the locker room to see that my boss, leo ramirez, was already standing there waiting for me. oh fuck.. i thought, i didn't think my turn would come so quick. the locker room was all the way at the across the bar. i had to walk from my bar counter to the other end of the bar to the locker room.

" hey darling..." he started. his fingers caressing my cheeks. i turned my head sharply, away from the man's touch.
" awww...shy are we now? come on soobin, you know you want me." i felt hot tears threatening to run down my cheeks. i already let him have his way with me to clear my damn debts, what else does he want from me? he's already done this to the other workers, who quitted after being unable to handle his tormentation. i was gonna quit but then i remembered the bills and debts i have. i was forced to stay and work here. my tears were already falling as he grazed his palms over my body his fingers lightly pressed against my nipple. i hicupped as i struggled in his grasp. i started to push him away,
" s-stop i-it. s-sir please! i-i d-don't want t-this!!" leo just groaned. i forgot the things the other ex workers told me..he liked being called sir.

" fuck, baby. say that again.." he said as i cried even further as his hands travelled down my back, touching my ass and fondling with it. i tried screaming but my voice wouldn't come out, " s-stop i-it! please!!" he just continued fondling my ass and occasionally smacking it. i cried as i felt myself slowly becoming disgusted at my own body. i was dirty. how would yeonjun love me now? he certainly would not like someone that's dirty. "y-yeonjun....yeonjun...yeonjun!!!" i screamed, nothing.
" no one will hear you, darling.."
i kept screaming while crying,
" hyung!! daniel hyung! anyone..p-please..h-help me.." i sobbed as the guy in front of me continued his assault. i heard the door bust open, " babyboy?!"

yeonjun was here. yeonjun was here! oh no..what if he thinks i cheated on him? he probably thinks im a slut now. whoring around when i already have a boyfriend. i sobbed as i slid down to the floor as leo was being pushed away from me.
" you motherfucker!! fuck you!! far cadere in disgrazia!! or should i say it in spanish for you!? le falta de gracia!! disgrace! fucking touched MY bambi!!" he screamed as he continued punching the man's face as blood splutters out of his mouth and nose and everywhere. yeonjun finally stopped, panting. the man coughed blood.

" baby did you enjoy that?" he turned to me. how did he have the audacity to ask me that?! i sobbed even more. yeonjun saw red as he was even more pissed and angry.
" i will come for you, puta de mierda. fucking watch out." yeonjun said as leo scurried away, running away from his crime. yeonjun approached me and even though i knew he wasn't going to hurt me, i whimpered and shied away from him.

" oh bambino...i won't hurt you..let's go home. we'll catch a cab, okay?" i nodded as i stared at him, silently asking him to help me up as i choked out cries. " do you want me to help you? can i touch you then?" i nodded as i pushed my hands out. he intertwined my hands and pulled me up. " bambi..can i hug you?" i looked at him and although i feel bad, i just don't feel like i want to. i shook my head. i hope he understands. my basic human rights of saying no was taken away from me and now i feel dirty.

" that's perfectly alright, baby. i need you to slowly breathe, okay? follow me." he said gently. i followed as he slowly guided me through inhaling, holding my breath and exhaling. after about ten minutes of the exercise, my sobs and breathing slowed down. i was embarrassed yeonjun had to see me in that state. we sat there in silence. i felt safe and secure when yeonjun's here.

" whenever you're ready, baby.." yeonjun softly said. " here for you, okay? i love you much.." he confessed. i sat down and stared at the many lockers in front of me before turning to face him in shock.
" you're serious, dan hyung? i-im already d-dirty..i-im n-not a v-virgin anymore, junnie..i-im a w-whore, a s-slut for letting h-him t-touch m-me..w-why would y-you l-love me?"

yeonjun looked at me with such sadness in his eyes. " baby.. i don't care that you're not a virgin. i don't expect you to be one. and you're not dirty nor are you a whore or a slut. you didn't want it. he was too pressed against you baby and i know that you were scared. i should've heard you earlier baby im so sorry..." he said as tears welled up in his eyes, " b-baby i-i l-love you. i-i really d-do. i will continue to love you and your imperfections because they're all part of you and i love you for you..p-please b-baby don't s-speak that w-way about y-yourself.." he wiped away his tears as he poured out his heart to me. me. choi soobin. who just got harrassed. who is not perfect. who is not a virgin. who is not sane enough. who is broken. he loves me. oh my god. he loves me!

" sorry..p-please give m-me some t-time. i-i need to start l-loving myself before y-you a-and i k-know im n-not good enough for y-you.. i need your help to help me see me.." i stated as i looked at him.

" and that's perfectly fine because im here for you. right here, baby."


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