twenty one pilots

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what's 9 + 10? 21- 

" sheesh, it's been very long since i cried." he said. " c'mon where to?" he asked, wiping away his tears and sniffling. " nowhere. i got fired." i said, reading the text from my boss at the café. " wanna come over to the mansion? till your next work of course." i hummed in response. yeonjun helped me wear my helmet. that sound nice. my helmet. i giggled. he got up the bike, kicking off the stand before i grabbed his hands and went up the bike as well.
" why are you laughing?" i giggled even more. " i have my own helmet now...its really nice of you. i haven't gotten anything for you..." he smiled.
" its alright. as long as i get to touch your ass." i squinted my eyes.
" pervert."

he shrugged his shoulders. i wrapped my arms around him, feeling his abs from over his clothes. " now who's the pervert, huh?" i blushed and smacked his back.
" shut up, asshole." he chuckled,
" hold on tight, baby."
he revved the engine of the bike, before speeding off, my chest hitting his back.
" oof..." i huffed, leaning my cheek against the back of yeonjun's shoulder. i closed my eyes, feeling the wind brush past me.

the bike came to a stop and i looked up to see the red light.
" far is the damn mansion?" he turned behind.
" it has only been 10 minutes, baby. we'll reach in another 5."
i groaned, wanting to get off of the bike as soon as possible. it keeps making my butt hurt and the helmet is stuffy. at least i get to hug yeonjun.
" my bum hurts..."

" awww do you want me to kiss it better?" yeonjun teased. i glared at him, " its green." pointing towards the traffic light. he zoomed past cars again, my heart dropped. i almost have a heart attack everytime he does that.
" slow down!" he pressed on the brake lightly, bringing the bike to a slower speed. " better?" he said, still looking in front. i nodded. at a
connecting lane, he looked to the left and right, before the turning lane came. he took a sharp turn. i could feel the road surface on my jeans. my heart dropped again before he lifted the bike up.
" fuck..i forgot i had a pillion. sorry baby. are you okay?" his voice muffled behind the helmet. i nodded, not trusting in my voice to speak out the words. " just...don't crash or something.." i could hear him grin from behind his helmet.
" of course." i closed my eyes again, almost falling asleep. i heard a crash to the right side of me. my eyes shot open. the bike turned to the right, stopping on the road shoulder.
" ah fuck, here we go again. needa stop. stay here awhile okay? i'll be back." i look at yeonjun running towards the accident, trying to help with the first aid.
" baby! call 119!" i quickly took off my helmet and fished out my phone from my pocket.
" hello? we are at the road going towards...samcheongdong. there has been an accident between a car and a bike. there are 4 people involved. please hurry." i listened to the operator before quickly hauling off the bike and running towards yeonjun, who was performing cpr on one of the victims. i put the operator on speaker.

" are they breathing?" the operator asked.
" no signs of life on pillion, the other two are breathing fine, but stuck in the car. performing cpr on the biker. pulse is weak five minutes ago. if not hurried to hospital, may go into arrest." yeonjun said as he huffed, pushing down on the male's chest.
" noted. 11-80 at samcheongdong. the police and ambulance are enroute. please continue to perform chest compressions." the operator said some weird shit and explained to yeonjun. " stay on call."

coughs were heard from in the car.
" mommy..?" yeonjun looked behind, still pressing down on the chest.
" what the fuck..?" yeonjun said.
" there's a child. in the car. the car's smoking. hurry!"
" i'll take over the cpr! take the child out!" another driver came out from their car, that just stopped. yeonjun rushed to the car, he reached into the car and took her out. he ran to the side, towards me. " take care of her, will you?" i nodded slowly, still taking in the situation.

" shhh...everything's gonna be is coming, okay?" i consoled the little girl who couldn't be more than 5.
" but mommy has a baby in her tummy..." i widened my eyes.
" junnie..?! the woman is pregnant!" yeonjun groaned.
" what the FUCK! WHERE'S THE DAMN AMBULANCE? THERE'S TOO LITTLE PEOPLE HELPING. FUCKING HURRY UP YOU USELESS PIECE OF SHITS!" yeonjum screamed into the phone. " please calm down sir-"
" you heard me. HURRY UP! they'll fucking die because of yall! all 7 people will DIE if you don't hurry."
" im sorry sir, 7?"
" 4 adults, one child and a baby. and a possibly dead pillion. the passenger in the car is pregnant."

sirens were heard seconds after yeonjun screamed. the paramedics took over after that, and fire fighters were there to take the two people out from the car. everything was chaotic. i sighed.
" help is here. mommy's going to be fine and daddy too, okay?" i said to the girl beside me. she quietly nodded before the police officer came over to talk to her about the accident.

yeonjun walked over to me with bloodied hands, after speaking to the officer about the details of his first aid. " glad i didn't become a doctor. all that stress, yikes." i giggled, " come on, our job here is done."

he chuckled awkwardly.
" yeah....about that.." i squinted my eyes. " what is it, daniel choi yeonjun?" he grinned. " im being arrested...for screaming profanities at an officer on duty.." i face-palmed.
" oh my god...daniel.." i sighed.

" i'll be back soon." he kissed me on my forehead. " taehyun's coming to get you, so just wait here, okay?" i nodded. " kiss me first."

and he did just that, before the officer came to cuff him. " chill, man. i ain't going anywhere. wait a sec." he said to the officer. he took my face into his cuffed hands and kissed me, again. and then peppered small little feather kisses all over my face. " alright, get going already!" the officer said, groaning, obviously sour that he had to witness yeonjun showing me affection. " see you later, babyboy. behave yourself."

i rolled my eyes, flipping him off.



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