The Sun, The Moon, The Truth

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"But I was full of a silence I did not know how to break..."

-Marya Hornbacher

Serena could feel the Falcon landing in her bones. It was as if someone had tapped an electric wire into her bones and gave her a shock just great enough to vibrate her insides. Every dip or sway of the Falcon mirrored itself inside of her.

Her eyes peeled open to stare into the dim, empty hub. She guessed everyone was perched by the door to get out as soon as they landed. She would be too, if her bones ever stopped trembling.

The Falcon landed quite harshly, then settled against the Earth steadily. She stayed still as she listened for the hiss of the door releasing. Just a moment later she heard it, swiftly followed by the hounding of excited footsteps.

They were all eager to leave and share their stories of what happened.

She was eager too.

She was.

But she was also tired.


She hummed as she turned to see Kaydel poke her head into the hub. "Have you slept?"

She pulled in a deep breath and used it to strengthen her. With it she pushed herself away from the cushion until she sat up all on her own. "I feel like I've done nothing but sleep since the fight."

Kaydel moved further into the room until she stood in front of Serena. "Right, but you do realize that you stopped a blast from a Star Destroyer. I mean that vessel literally annihilates planets. It turns them into smithereens and you just... stopped it-"


"All, I'm saying," she forced herself to speak over Serena. "You need rest, like, a lot of it. That one move made you go all worm-limb on me, and you had turned a bit green at one point." She grimaced at the mere thought of it. "And it's been almost a day of traveling and you're still weak-" she held her hand up to her as proof. "-so I suggest you take that handsome, rugged, hero boy of yours and you go take a nice long nap. And I mean a nap, not sex." She quirked an eyebrow. "I know what two hot people tend to do when they're alone."

"Kaydel," she hissed. Her eyes slipped closed at the thought of doing anything remotely physical. "I couldn't do that even if I wanted too."

"But you do want too."

"Not the point." She opened her eyes as she iterated. "Although... the thought of seeing Poe..." her dry lips rose up into a small, fraction of a smile.

Kaydel mirrored her smile, then outshined it as she gave a full-blown, dazzling grin. "Great. So get up-" she offered her hand. "You have to see your man. You haven't said a word to him since we've left. I definitely want to see this."

Serena ignored the implications of her best friend spying on her and Poe, and simply accepted her hand.

She stood to her feet shakily and let out a breath to try and steady herself.

"You know," Kaydel whispered as they slowly made their way from the hub. "If you would have told me last week that there was some sort of prevention against a Star Destroyer, I would have imagined a giant shield, or plasma dissipater- not my roommate." She looked up at Serena as they walked. "What you did... it was amazing."

Serena gulped as she rose her gaze to Kaydel's. "I wasn't sure it was going to work," she admitted lowly. "I knew that I could manipulate blasts from the fight on Crait but those were smaller and I was very weak that day. This was nothing compared to that. It was... it was all a theory." Her eyes zipped between Kaydel's. "I put our whole team- that whole planet- at risk for a hunch."

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