Welcome to Kijimi

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Kijimi was overpopulated, over-structured, and overflowing with Storm Troopers. The streets were more like back alleys, intersecting and clinging to tall, dark buildings that loomed over the city. The bustling city created a smog that nearly stole all the star's brilliance from the sky. Though it was cold with a chill that nipped at Serena's cheeks, the air was tainted with oil and musk.

"This place is disgusting," Serena complained as they waited in a back alley while Poe traipsed ahead. "Why would people choose to live here?"

"Maybe they didn't choose," Finn offered as he huddled closer into his jacket. He and Rey were shaking from the light flutter of snowfall, but Serena felt perfectly content in her long-sleeved black shirt and pants. Her silver hair whipped around her neckline and ticked the curves of her neck as it moved. She tucked her hair behind her ears only for it to come unruly once more.

"If they didn't choose, why can't they leave?" She turned to Finn as she asked. "I'm not trying to sound hypercritical, I'm merely curious." She looked from Finn to Rey, then back to Finn. "We escaped an oppressive system that was hellbent on keeping us loyal. You freed a pilot prisoner and used him to aid in your escape. I used a mission as my time to fake my own death."

"Some people don't have those options."

"We created those options for ourselves," she said quickly. "They didn't present themselves to us. We made them." Her eyebrows drew into a hard line. "If these people want out, they have to get themselves out. Are they waiting for someone to save them from their own oppressive system?"

"Serena," Rey stepped up to Finn's side. "We're trying to save them from their oppressive system."

Serena's eyebrows rose.

"We're trying to take down the First Order, remember?" Finn asked.

She nodded. "I know, but, why are they waiting for someone to come save them?" She turned and peeked around a corner where Storm Troopers were knocking on doors. It was late into the night and yet the raids showed no signs of stopping. "Can't they save themselves?"

"Not everyone fights, Serena. They aren't like us."

She remembered Chewie saying those words so long ago.

"Fighting isn't a choice." She pulled back into the shadows. She looked at the two softly with the gaze of a woman who didn't want to fight, who never wanted to fight. "It's a result."

Neither said anything. They all stood in silence for another few minutes, taking in the distant sound of shouts and stomping of Storm Troopers.

After a few minutes of the chilling silence, Poe popped into their hiding spot. He pushed his hood back to reveal his rosied cheeks and pink-tinged nose. "They're everywhere," he told them. He sniffled and closed in on the corner Serena had just peeked around. "Alright, I know what we should do."

"So do I," C-3PO spoke up. "We should leave."

"Clam it, 3PO," Poe shut his idea down. He looked at Serena, then Finn and Rey behind her as he pulled his hood back over his head. "Follow me." He crouched low and crossed the small alleyway to another dark corner. Serena understood that in this situation, the shadows were their friends They were a very conspicuous group: two droids, a silver-haired woman with a visible Lightsaber, a small girl with a staff and lightsaber clipped to her waist, and two men who looked ready to fight at a moment's notice. If they had Chewie, they would surely stick out.

Poe stopped in the shadows and carefully looked around the corner to ensure no Storm Troopers lined their path. "Alright, let's head down this way-" He started to turn the corner when a blaster pressed to the back of his head.

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