The night Serena died

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Look me in my eyes, tell me everything's not fine, or the people ain't happy and the river has run dry, you thought you could go free but the system is done for....


Kylo Ren wore his mask to emulate the great Darth Vader who came before him. It acted as a reminder to all who thought he wasn't enough that he was, in fact, the grandson of a great Sith Lord. 

Serena wore her mask to shield herself from what she had to do. It hid her face so those she struck down couldn't see their horror reflected in her amber eyes. She wore it selfishly, and in spite of all that Kylo Ren made her do. 

Despite the reasoning, Serena had style. Her mask covered the entirety of her head in a sleek, reflective black metal. The highpoints of her cheeks came to a deadly point then hollowed out much like a bare skull. The welds holding the pieces of metal together were the exact shade of orange as her lightsaber. The slits for her eyes were slightly taller than the height of her true eyes and expanded all the way across the front of the mask to allow her optimal vision. While they were tinted the same sleek black, no one could see past it to view her eyes. 

She liked it that way, being able to see others without them looking into her soul. It was best that way, she always thought. It meant they wouldn't see the horrors she had buried deep inside of her. 

"Serena," Kylo Ren's voice caused her back to stiffen. It was an unconscious reaction, innate to protect herself from the inevitable doom that would surely follow behind him. 

"Yes." The mask muffled her voice, stealing all emotion from it. 

"I need you to do something for me." 

She turned away from the window overlooking the galaxy to face him. Kylo Ren. He towered over her with shoulders so broad he could carry the weight of an entire TIE fighter without strain. His black and silver mask covered his face, but she knew what to expect under it: black, thick hair that fell to his shoulders; sad, dead eyes that stared deep into her, a crooked jaw. She had seen it all before. The mask did little to help her forget. 

"What do you need?" The words came out instinctively. Whenever Kylo Ren needed something, she fulfilled it without thought or reason. 

His gloved hands slowly reached up to pull his mask off. Under it, just as she imagined moments before, were the deep, brooding eyes. His pale skin glowed pink from the heat that came with the masks, it was the most life Serena had seen in him since Ben Solo died. "There is a family... I have heard whispers that the children are force sensitive." He lowered his mask to his side and clutched it into him like a favored toy. "I want you to make sure those children never learn how to manipulate the force."

"Kill them?" She wanted to clarify. She wanted him to say the words. If he gave the order, she would follow it through. 

"I want you to kill the entire family. We have to snuff out any threat that could stand in our way." The words rolled off of his tongue with ease, as if plotting the murder of an entire family compared to planning an evening meeting with the council. 

"Of course, Kylo Ren." Serena bowed her head. "I'll leave at once." She turned towards the door to make her way, but he stopped her.

"Take two troopers with you." He advised. 

Serena stopped at the door and turned on her heels. "Is there a reason you don't entrust me with this simple mission?" Even through the mask he could hear her frustration. 

"The Resistance's presence is growing each day. Several of our recruitment squads have been taken out by them. The guards will keep you safe." He explained to her. 

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