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Serena changed out of her cream top. As much as she favored the feeling of silk against her skin, she knew such delicacies had no place in times of war. If she wished to get back into her old routine, she needed to hang up the cream silk and wear something else.

She opted for a charcoal gray long-sleeved shirt. The sleeves belled out at the wrists and fell low enough to cover her knuckles if she clenched her fists. The elbows had thick pads over them that were a shade darker than the charcoal gray. The neckline fell over her bust in a large oval. It was open enough to barely cling to her shoulders yet never faltered from its spot. It allowed her chest to breathe so her scar didn't rub against anything. It planted there, shining like a piece of favored jewelry she'd never be able to take off.

Her lightsaber clipped to her right hip. It dug into her waist just sharp enough to remind her of its presence. She felt the comfort of it, but felt cheated that she couldn't go a full day without picking it up.

"Ready the ship," she advised Poe. She zipped up her duffle bag and handed it off to him. "I'm going to go collect Finn."

"I can do that," he offered.

She showed a grin as she opened the door to their room. "That's very kind but I have to talk to him before the trip anyway. There are a few..." her eyes squinted. "things we need to discuss."

Poe's thick eyebrows rose. "Like?"

She waved a dismissive hand. "Don't worry about it, Little Rebel. You just go make sure Chewie has the Millenium Falcon put together. Finn and I will be along shortly."

Poe didn't seem to believe her or want to believe her, but either way, he listened and left with both her and his bag in hand. She watched him leave, then turned deeper into the personal quarters and headed towards Finn's room. It used to be his and Poe's room, but ever since Poe renounced him as a friend, it's been his.

She stopped in front of his door and knocked. She knew he would be inside. If he wasn't patrolling he was almost always in his room, sulking over his lost friendship with Poe.

It took a while before the door opened, then Finn stood there in a pair of black pants and a tan shirt that resembled Poe's main ensemble. He looked startled by her presence and straightened himself up.

Her chin ticked up as she looked him dead in the eyes. "May I come in?"

Conflict washed over him in droves. It was so tangible she could have lifted her hand and combed her fingers through it. Despite the conflict, he nodded and stepped aside to allow her entrance.

She walked in and saw the immaculate form of his room. His bed, clothes, and nightstand were all in accordance with First Order regulations. Even after all this time away from them, he kept their habits.

It almost stung for her to see leftover bits of the First Order's rule instilled in Finn. If anyone deserved to be rid of their reign, it was him.

She ripped her attention away from the details and turned to face him. She clasped her hands in front of her and waited for the door to close. "Poe and I are going on a retrieval mission for Leia. There's an ally in the outer rim that has some intel for us."

Finn's brows peaked. "Okay..."

She sighed as she realized he didn't understand. "You're coming with us," she spoke slowly for him to understand. "I've come to tell you to pack a bag. Chewie and Poe are readying the ship now. So... actually-" she dropped her hands and moved to the small couch pushed up against the far wall. She sat on it and peered up at him lazily. "We have a bit of time to kill."

He looked down at her as he stayed glued to his spot. "Why me? Poe doesn't want me to come."

"No," she agreed. "I want you to come."

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