Carving her mark in history

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All you got to do is die a little...die a little...die a little to survive...

-Yungblood, Die A Little

Serena never took the time to analyze her reflection before. Sure, she looked in the mirror as she brushed her teeth or combed her hair, but she never put much thought into her appearance. But now... now she noticed every minute detail. Her hair matched the same silver as the moon that hung in the sky, and it fell to her jawline in loose waves. Her hair somehow sucked all the color from her already pale skin which made the blue veins even more prominent along her temples and eyelids. She was aware of the blue vein that split down her forehead, but she never noticed the way it danced to the rhythm of her heart. Every pulse, skipped beat, racing impulse was carved right into her forehead for the world to see. 

Though her face was pale, her eyebrows were the same silver tone as her hair, and barely visible above her eyes. They blended in with her skin tone, giving more of a shimmer to her face than anything else. The tips that pinched together above her nose were slightly darker than the tail ends, which gave her a permanent confused expression. Just below her pale brows, were eyes so bright they looked odd compared to the rest of her bland face. Her eyes captured the same strong beams as the suns that warmed each system. There were flakes of molten gold blended together to create a depth that Serena didn't have the time nor patience to look more into. She never knew her eyes were so pretty, or that they looked so misplaced with the rest of her face. 

Her mouth... she knew she had a bad habit of biting her lip when she was nervous or anxious, but her lips were raw. Her bottom lip had several different shades of pink and red. The pink was a natural tone that stretched over the plump lip with varying small patches that deepened to a blood red. Her top lip was a slightly darker shade of pink, and not nearly as plump as her bottom lip. Her cupid's bow had a deep 'v' shape with two sharp peaks on either side. 

Serena never took the time to analyze her reflection before. She always had other things to worry about. But now, in the wake of one of her most grave mistakes, she couldn't tear her eyes away from herself. 

Everything that made her who she was, every little detail that added together to create the image of Serena, was mutilated with the acts of terror she had committed. Sure, her pale silver hair resembled the moon's soft shine, but it also took in the dull glint of lifeless eyes. Her pale skin was ashy just like the villages she tore through in search of Force sensitive individuals. The blue veins that showed her life just reminded her of the lives she stole from others. Blood runs through her veins because it doesn't run through so many others. Her eyes were as strong as the sun, but as ruthless as her saber. The same saber she used to strike down anything who stood in her way, or maybe even those who didn't stand in her way but who had been targeted by the First Order. 

Serena was beautiful, but her beauty was tainted, just like her soul. It was stained with the blood of all those she killed, and that number was about to skyrocket. Soon, there would be more ugly than beauty in her, more sin than savior, more stain than stillness. 

"Excuse me... Serena?"


"It's time, General Hux is waiting for you."

Serena's hands gripped the edge of the metal sink. Her fingers dug under the lip of the sink as she became dizzy. "I'll be right there." Her voice barely scraped through her gritted teeth as she continued to stare at her reflection. 

There was no answer, which she took as a good sign. But still, she knew she couldn't keep General Hux waiting. It wasn't just him that was holding for her, it was the entire First Order. 

Serena let out a breath to still the voice inside of her. As the dizziness passed, Serena pushed off the sink and stood tall. She watched her reflection as she pulled her shoulders back and straightened her back. In a single breath, the fear fell from her face, she transitioned from a terrified, young girl, to a strong warrior. 

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