Our Beloved

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Her hair entrapped the moon's glow and depth while her eyes held a fire only found within a supernova. Her gaze gave promise of new life following a disastrous, gaseous explosion. Looking into her eyes was like staring into a catastrophe. It was both horrifying and beautiful. 

She grew her hair out and let it flow in the wind. Every time it tickled her neck or cheek she was reminded of the wind's gentle caress- a grace she had neglected for too long. 

Her strong jaw came from decades of clenching it, the muscle bulged out with a mind of its own, expressing her deep concentration or frustration before she realized it herself. Her lips always twisted up into a cherished smile. Her laughter filled the air, giving it a life she had been withheld from.

Pale skin pulled taut around her sharp jaw and deep cheeks. It was so thin roadmaps of veins connected the outer corner of her right eye to her temple. The intricate designs danced with her every breath. Wrinkles pressed into the pale skin around her eyes and mouth. With every deep laugh, the wrinkles pressed in, showcasing the effects of years of love and laughter. 

She wore her scars like jewelry. They were a reminder of who she was and what she endured under The First Order. Her favorite was a deep, jagged line across her chest. It shined as red as the lightsaber that inflicted it. Every deep breath caused it to tighten. With every deep breath, she thought of Kylo Ren. 

Serena was undeniably beautiful. She had found a peaceful balance between the horrors of her past and the promise of her future. 

She never raised a weapon again or killed. She granted life in the form of twins, a perfect boy with brown eyes and silver hair and a girl with brown curls and hazel eyes. 

Serena lived a life of peace and comfort. Every night she would walk outside with Poe and let the rain fall over her until she was soaked to her bone. She had never found anything as tantalizing and invigorating as the rain drops against her closed eyelids. She would close her eyes and let her head fall back as she became engulfed by the storm. Lightning and thunder roared ahead, but she was never afraid. She knew what a true storm felt like. She had no room for fear of it anymore. 

She held the terrors of her past within her, but through the eyes of her two children, and Poe Dameron, she learned to forgive herself. 

And she lived.


Poe Dameron

His eyes captured his every emotion, looking into them was like peering into his very soul. Every laugh, curse, and promise was etched in his eyes for all to see. But they never shined quite as bright as when he looked at Serena. With her insight, they blossomed a honey brown that dripped with pure love. It was the most intoxicating shade. 

His voice captured the attention of everyone around him, for someone who had seen war and death, he spoke soliloquies of peace and democracy. He preached of a new rule under The Destined Republic. It drew people in until they drank his every word as if it were whiskey and wine.

His every movement was for his family. Every lift of his finger, signed diplomacy, breath through his lungs was to better the galaxy to fit his newly expanding family. 

He spent every last one of his days showing Serena the life he wanted her to have. He gifted her cashmere, silks, and cotton to replace the oppressive leathers and masks she knew within The First Order. He took years to undo their hardships. At night, he would hold her as she endured the nightmares. When she woke, he would give her a cup of lavender tea and kiss every part of her until her skin knew only his touch. 

When his time came to release himself back into the galaxy, he was surrounded by his family and told Serena that it still wasn't enough time. His love for her was bigger than them. It released into the galaxy until every star was touched by his devotion to her. The galaxy shined a little bright with the help of the Little Rebel.


Ben Solo

Darkness plagued his thoughts. They mutilated his dreams until he hungered for power and a galaxy under his rule. His dreams were tangible, barely within reach, when he nearly killed the one person in the galaxy who never gave up on him. 

The sight of her blood at his feet split Ben Solo's soul. The sound of her gasp as he struck her across the chest will be the sound that follows him to his grave. Through every mistake and kill, he will remember the look on her face the most. It will haunt him. 

He craved redemption. More than the dreams of power and an ultimate regime. He wanted redemption to prove to her that he could still be the Ben Solo she fell in love with during their days of Jedi training. 

He found his redemption in the form of Rey. With her, he helped defeat the ultimate Sith, set to destroy all Jedi and release an unending Darkness into the galaxy. He knew he must stop Palpatine. Under his rule, there would be no place for the Light that Serena carried with her everywhere she went. 

The night Ben Solo died, he took all of his love for Serena and he expelled it out into the galaxy. He gave the galaxy only the purest bits of him, and every single sliver had remnants of her. She was the guiding hand that led him from the Dark. Her Light gave him the strength to rip himself from the Darkness. Her influence gave him the courage to do more. To be more. 

When his soul dissolved back into the galaxy, he was met by Han Solo and Leia Organa. They embraced him warmly and told him how proud they were of his strength and fierce loyalty. 

Ben Solo may have let a lot of people down, but as he left the mortal plane to join his mother and father, he felt that there was one person who would never give up on him. And as she lived on, he knew that part of him would as well. 

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