Complete, Wholehearted Bliss

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The thing is that you brought this out in me. How could I want it with anyone else...


It was a stillness that woke Serena up. An utter lack of tension and aching alike. There was no stiffness to her muscles, no pain to her bones that prevented her from moving. Her eyes fluttered open to see the popcorned ceiling above them. She remembered it being the very last thing she saw before she fell asleep, and it was the same thing she saw when she opened her eyes.

Had she moved at all throughout the night? She couldn't remember anything. She and Kaydel were talking, then she closed her eyes and fell deep, deep, deep.

She turned her head towards Kaydel to find her bed empty. The hum of the shower told Serena that it was far later than she expected it to be.

She stretched her arms up over her head and extended her hands to flex her wrists. Her back arched off the bed, pushing the thin sheet down to cover her legs. Her toes pointed out from the bottom of the sheet. Everything felt warm and well rested, her muscles longed to be used after a full night of healing.

The shower turned off, stopping the gentle hum.

Serena sat up and brought her hands out in front of her. She locked her fingers together before she pushed her palms out to stretch up the length of her arms. She let her head fall to the right until her ear touched her shoulder, then she lifted it and dropped it the other way.

When her arms were warmed up and neck popped, she stood from her bed and reached up to the sky and stood on the tips of her toes. Her tank top rose and reminded her of Poe's comment about enjoying the view. The thought made her smile as she dropped back to her feet and padded softly over to her closet. She turned the light on and squinted against the sudden brightness. As her eyes adjusted she sifted through her clothes.

Her bare fingers traced over each shirt and folded pants as she looked for an outfit. Her middle finger stopped over a pair of stiff black, leather pants. She pulled them from the hangar to admire the string corset at the top of high-waisted pants. She folded the pants over her arm and moved over to her shirts. She picked a black shirt with bell sleeves that flared around the forearms. The shirt had a small V cut into the chest to expose just a bit of cleavage. The top of the V had strings to tie at the base of her throat to give a little peek-a-boo look.

The pairing was odd: stiff pants that constricted her breathing matched with a billowy shirt with a delicate tie for a bit of femininity. Despite the differences, she liked the outfit and left the closet just as Kaydel walked out of the bathroom in her outfit.

"Hey, I'm gonna shower real quick-" Serena told her as she passed by her to enter the steaming shower.

"I'll wait for you." Kaydel promised her.

Serena gave a nod before she closed the door to give herself some privacy. Normally she needed the shower to relax her muscles and clean the sweat that glued to her skin overnight. But with the restful night she had, the shower acted as nothing more than... a shower. The water beat against her skin, soothing her already relaxed muscles. She closed her eyes and let her head fall back for the water to run over her face. It trailed over her eyes and clumped over her eyelashes.

She licked her lips to taste the warm water as it passed over her mouth.

She took her time washing her hair and cleaning herself. It was just a perfect ending to her blissful sleep. She figured that this one morning for her: this one amazing morning with no nightmares and stiff muscles, was how everyone woke up, every day. They took it for granted, but she valued it. It was incredible, and something she hoped would last.

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