Keeping us apart

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In a sense, I'm the one who ruined me: I did it myself...

-Haruki Murakami

There was a stillness. Everyone held their breath as nothing happened. Absolutely nothing. But then, from miles off of their stage, a burst of light so blindingly bright shot out with an exquisite speed. For a split second, there was no sound, only the brilliant beam, but that second was over as a tangible roar tore across the quiet woods and rolled over the snowy mountain range. The shock wave was so impressive it slammed into Serena's chest and forced her back several steps. 

She lifted a hand to block the ray of light that overcame the sky, still, the light flooded around her fingers and made her squint. Through her closed eyes, she could see the beam just as clearly as if her eyes were open. 


Serena opened her eyes and peered around her hand to see General Hux admiring his work with an evil glint to his eyes that still, somehow, outshined the weapon. 

Serena's stomach churned as she slowly lowered her hand as she looked back up at the beam. The lightwave shot straight out into the blackness of the galaxy. She traced the line through several systems and asteroid belts. It didn't waver or quake as it broke through the still vacuum. 

It took several minutes before the light hit its target. 

She dropped her hand completely as she watched a small silver dot in the distance explode. That one, single dot held millions of women, children, and men. In the span of a few minutes, she eradicated an entire planet of species, wildlife, trees only native to that planet. She destroyed life, so much life. 

The First Order rallied around her. They grew into a slur of cheers and chants for what they had just become. The First Order was no longer a silent threat or a looming presence. Now, they were the most prominent force in the galaxy. They had just taken out the New Republic, and by doing so, brought on the next galactic war. 


She turned on the stage to find Kylo Ren by the door. 

"We know where the droid is, we have to go."

Serena nodded at the grateful excuse for her to leave the masses. She pulled her mask over her head before she sprinted over to Kylo. When she was at his side he turned and lead the way back inside.  

They scaled through the halls with a searing determination. Serena knew how important it was for Ren to get BB-8, it was more than just a map to him, it was his way to Luke Skywalker- to finally end the man who pushed him over into what he is now. 

"Where is it? The droid?" Serena asked as they sprinted into the hangar. TIE fighters and freighters filled with Storm Troopers were already lining on the floating runway. A single vessel still had its ramp down, as they ran to it the other guards started to load into it.


Serena's brows furrowed behind her mask as they loaded onto the vessel. As soon as they were inside the hull, the ramp closed as the runway began to lift up to ground level. 

"Why there?" Serena grabbed onto a strap to keep herself steady as she looked up at Ren. "What's on Takodana?"

"There's a woman, Maz, she has a watering hole that draws in the less-than desirables. One of our spies spotted the droid, accompanied by a young girl, a dark-skinned man... and an old gray-haired man."

"Han Solo?"

"I assume."

Serena's head ticked up. "Okay. So we go and find the droid, but all these men-" Serena nodded back towards the fleet. "This is more than just a retrieval. You want to start a war on Takodana."

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