She's a trap

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I learned a long time ago the wisest thing I can do is be on my own side...

-Maya Angelou

"I've never been to Jakku before," Serena's voice came clear through the commlink. Though she sat right behind Poe in the double-seated fighter they took, it was far too loud for them to try to talk without the headset. "But... I guess I can't say that for sure, there was a time when I was traveling to so many places at a time... they all began to blur together."

Poe didn't say anything as he began their descent just outside of the small village of Herench. He parked them behind a boulder to conceal their fighter from the village. When they were settled he lifted the cockpit dome and got out first. As he jumped down, he turned to offer a hand to the overly ambitious and deadly Serena.

Serena kicked her feet over the side of the fighter and looked at Poe's extended hand. "So you won't talk to me but you'll help me down?" She asked dryly as she pushed herself off of the side of the fighter without his hand. She bent her knees as she landed just beside him. When she was flat on the ground she retucked her hair behind her ears and gave him an accomplished look.

"I'm not not talking to you," He corrected her as he watched BB-8 lower himself to the ground. "I just think it was stupid of you to offer your services for a simple trade-off." He folded his arms over his chest passive-aggressively.

Serena gave an unconvinced nod as she looked down at his arms. "Sure, a simple trade-off... if that's how you worked it out in your brain then sure, but let's add in the high risk of the First Order finding us and torturing us before they take the map for themselves, find Luke Skywalker, and kill him." She raised an eyebrow and quirked her head to the side as she gave Poe an unimpressed glance. "There is nothing simple about this, Poe."

Poe gave an irritated sigh at her insistence. "It's one thing for me to risk my own life, but you-"

Serena raised her brows for him to finish, but as he closed his mouth she began to think there was no end to what he was saying. "What, Poe? What about me?"

Poe licked his lips, dropped his hands from his chest, and stepped towards her. Her back stiffened as she lifted herself to her full sight. When he was close enough, he looked between her eyes so intently she thought he was looking right through her. "You just started to figure out how to live, you do this..." He shook his head hopelessly.  "You could lose that." His eyes floated between her slowly as he tried to get his message to sink in.

It seemed to do the trick as her amber eyes widened a fraction. "Poe..." She looked down as she lifted her gloved hand just enough for her fingers to graze the knuckles of his right hand. "I only know how to live because of you, so..." She gulped as she felt a lump starting to form in her throat. "It's only fair that I make sure you're around to help me experience it all."

Poe watched as her eyelashes fluttered against her pale cheek. He could barely see the tiny pale blonde hairs against her porcelain cheeks, but still, he could watch them all day. "Okay," he gave in to her impulsively, or maybe it had something to do with her fingers brushing against his knuckles. "But we stay together, and if things go south- we leave as fast as we can."

Serena nodded feverishly in compliance. "Whatever you say, I'm just here to make sure you get back to base... hopefully before the storm." She gave Poe the smallest smirk. "I kind of want to feel the mist right before..." Her eyes fluttered as she imagined the sensation.

"Okay, let's go then. BB-8-" Poe and Serena looked down at the white and orange droid who sat contently at their sides. "You stay here and keep watch, if you see anything heading our way, you come to tell us."

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