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Poe rolled off the top of her and fell onto the bed beside her with a heavy grunt. His glorious pants rolled into the air and mingled with her breathy gasps of breath. 

She licked her lips and turned her head to look up at him. She lifted her hand and skimmed her knuckles against his sweaty, bare chest. "I think we're getting better at that."

He chuckled and grabbed her hand to bring to his mouth. He layered hot kisses along her knuckles as he caught his breath. 

She watched his mouth form around each knuckle delicately and found herself wanting more of him. She thought she had been satisfied, but the rosy tint to his lips and the flush to his cheeks called out to her. He was flushed because of her. Her eyes averted to his chest to see the littered love bites along his collarbones. Her lips rose in triumph at her stake displayed across his chest. 

"I love that smile." His voice was gruff and vibrated deep in his chest. 

She widened her smile as she met his hooded eyes. "I only smile because of you." She extended her finger to poke his chin. "With everything... I only feel good when I'm with you."

His smile lessened, then his hand with hers dropped to his stomach. 

Her eyebrows pinched as she tried to find the wrong in her words. "What?"

He gulped strongly and looked over her flushed face. "I worry I'm distracting you."

"Wh-what?" She tried to laugh, but his serious tone took all the humor from her. She stopped the effort and swallowed to wet her throat. "I don't understand."

He pushed himself up to his elbows then turned on his side to face her. She took the time to pull her sheet up to cover her chest. Suddenly she felt exposed under his gaze. "Poe?" She pleaded with him to tell her. 

"You haven't come to any of the meetings," he started. "You don't discuss the plans, you haven't asked about the regimes. You seem disinterested in anything to do with The Resistance." He paused and looked between her eyes. He waited, patiently, for her to discredit him. When she didn't, he hung his head. He looked instead to her arm. He ran the back of his index finger carefully over her pale arm, starting at her shoulder and going down to the long scar dug into her bicep. He stopped just shy of the sensitive tissue and started back up towards her shoulder. "General Organa told me about the talk you had with her last week." 

She grunted and folded her arms over her chest. She looked away from him to stare up at the dark ceiling. "She shouldn't have told you."

"She had too, Serena!" His voice grew an ounce. "If she hadn't said anything, would you have ever told me?" She pressed her lips tighter together. "See?" His voice deflated at her lack of an answer. "She's worried about you, and... I am too."

She scoffed and turned to look at him. "Not worried enough to warrant off sex."

He glared at her. "That's not fair," he told her. And she knew it, but she didn't care. "I start back tomorrow. Black Squadron needs their leader." She nodded as she looked around his face. She tried to find traces of their momentarily bliss in his features, but they were all tainted with worry now. "The galaxy moves on, Serena. The war doesn't stop just because we want it to."

"I know," she told him before he went on more. "I know. I just-" She pushed herself up to her elbows but stopped short as a pain rooted deep in her bicep. She fell to her back and let out a frustrated breath. "I'm not who the galaxy needs me to be." Her amber eyes flicked between his to ensure he understood. "The galaxy- this war needs the Serena who stopped a Star Destroyer from obliterating a planet. I can't even control myself in front of Rey." She lifted a thin, pale brow. "I'm useless to this galaxy."

Will of the Many~ Poe DameronWhere stories live. Discover now