A Chaotic Beauty

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I want to live and feel all the shades, tones and variations of mental and physical experiences possible in life...

-Sylvia Plath

"What sort of operation are you running here?" Serena stormed into Leia's office with little regard for what she was interrupting. She briefly noticed another General in the room with a clipboard in hand, but all of Serena's attention was pointed directly at Leia. "Do you just let your Officers do whatever the hell they want regardless of the consequences?" Serena slammed her hands down on Leia's desk and bent over to glare into Leia's cool eyes. "Because if you do I might have to rethink my position here." Her pale cheeks flamed with color as the vein along her temple pulsed out angrily.

"General!" Poe appeared in the doorway winded with flushed cheeks. " I can explain-" He walked in as his eyes skirted between Leia and Serena.

"Explain?!" Serena exploded with anger as she pushed off Leia's desk to turn towards Poe. "There is nothing to explain!" She stalked up to him until they were chest to chest. "Your non-existent brain thought you could take out an entire First Order fleet on your own." Her lips bared back to show off her canines. "You took a recon mission and turned it into a suicide run!" Her anger swelled in the room, filling every corner with smoldering heat.

Poe gritted his teeth as he forced himself to his full height. He looked down at her with just as much hatred as her fiery eyes gave off. "My job is to save lives- protect the galaxy. That's what I did. I will always put my life on the line if it means keeping others safe." While her voice boomed, his was eerily quiet. But he didn't need to shout to get his point across.

Serena's nostrils flared as she looked between his eyes. She shook her head and turned back towards Leia. "You have no control over your officers. You give orders only for them to disobey." The words poured from her mouth. "You are no leader, you are grasping for control over people born to rebel." She added a hiss to her words.

Leia stood from her desk and waved one hand to dismiss the General from her room. When it was just her, Serena and Poe she rounded the desk. "You say I have no control." Her voice was just as stiff as her gaze. "Yet you came to me." She stepped towards the two bickering children. "You do not have the right to criticize me or what I have done here when every effort I have put forth is to clean up a galaxy you destroyed."

A barbaric growl gargled in Serena's throat as she glowered at Leia.

"You and Kylo Ren have been playing Sith Lords. You took what you wanted and killed those who opposed you. You resent him now and are trying to repent, but that does not wash away your sins." Leia stopped a foot away from Serena. "My officers may be irrational, but what they do is to better the galaxy. Every move they make holds good intentions. If Commander Dameron believed there was a reason to engage with the recruitment vessel, I stand by his decision."

Serena's breaths hardened as she looked the General over. "This isn't a cause fighting for justice." She hissed. "This is a cause fighting for power over the galaxy, just like the First Order." Serena turned and shoved Poe with her shoulder before she left the room. She turned in the hallway to see it littered with cowering Officers. "Move-" She lifted her hand as she Forced every last Officer into the wall. When her walkway was clear she stalked away from Leia's officer, away from the irritating woman herself, and away from Poe.

Poe and Leia stayed in the office as they listened for Serena's exit. Her shout drew Poe out of the door to watch as she made everyone slam into the walls. He looked over their petrified expressions as they couldn't move from their position. He glared holes in the back of Serena's head as she walked away from him.

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