Let it Be

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I like this place. And willingly could waste my time in it....

-William Shakespeare

The heavy rain poured down over Serena in a way that made her feel more alive than ever before. Each miniscule drop hit her with so much force it dented her skin, then it fell to collect among the millions of other water drops over her drenched body.

With closed eyes and a content smile, she let her head fall back to embrace the open sky. She loved the harsh drops on her eye lids best. Each drop pushed in and created a strange array of muted colors behind her closed eyes. Hues she never dreamt of blasted across the blackness like a picture show just for her to view.

A bright flash of lightning momentarily stole all the blackness from her closed eyes, then half a second later the thunder sounded so close it vibrated her chest.

Serena laughed as her bones rattled inside of her.

She opened her eyes and was briefly reminded of jumping to lightspeed. The falling raindrops looked eerily similiar to pulling stars, but there was something about the storm that was calmer to her. She could stay in one place and still feel like she was worlds away.

The menacing, nearly black storm clouds over head reminded her of her days as a Padawan. The ocean beyond their temple always had storm clouds over the top of it. But these clouds... these clouds moved with the wind and lit up with the lightning.

She caught sight of a full length of lightning, it cut horizontal across the clouds, creating a jagged road map that traveled the entire distance of her vision. She barely saw it before it disappeared, but the imprint was already engraved in her eyes, leaving a memory of its path for her to admire as the thunder rattled the earth around her.

The electricity cut through the air and made every hair on Serena's body stand to attention. The goosebumps quickly followed as she felt consumed by the storm.

She lifted her naked hand up towards the clouds and watched as the water trailed down her slender fingers and wrapped around her knuckles. She turned her palm over and tilted it back so she could gather water in the creases of her hand. She watched the water build, then give little splashes as it puddled in her palm. When the water began to spill over, she tilted her hand to pour the collected water out.

Another string of lightning lit up the sky above, and drew her attention away from her hand as she watched the bright white break through the dark clouds. The single string of lightning was followed by another, and another, until it was an entire show just for her.

The lights were off beat with the sound, the thunder clapped between bolts of lightning and rolled on through the next surge of light. It created a constant rage of noise and light for a solid ten seconds.

It was the finale, and Serena thanked the stars above she was alive to witness such a beautiful moment.

When the lightning died, her entire world darkened. She had to blink to help her eyes adjust to the new low light. She bowed her head to look all around her. The green grays had hints of gray and black that helped them blend together, the ground was so soaked it held the same depth as the tree trunks, making it nearly impossible for her to discern ground from tree.

She turned back towards the hangar, but only saw the flood light at the top center of the wide hangar door. The rest was curtained by the constant rain fall.

She followed the light like a moth to the flame. She moved sluggishly to enjoy every last second of the rain against her skin, but without the symphony overhead, the world felt deafening to her. Even with the rain splashing against puddles and the wind through the treetops, nothing compared to the roaring of thunder so grand it vibrated her chest. After that, everything else was numb.

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