Calculated Moves

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People see the smoldering flames and the raging winds and they think that she's strong. They think that she's powerful. But really, she just tends to burn herself down...


Similiar to her assembly with Supreme Leader Snoke in the past, meeting him in the flesh brought with it its own bow of terror. He preferred to be surrounded by deep, blood rushing red along the back walls. They were so bright their gleam gave his ashy cheeks a hint of color, giving the illusion of flowing life.

His throne was not made of black obsidian, nor was it nearly as large to hold his heightened hologram. The true throne was smaller and daintier, with a slight incline leading from the floor to reach it. Behind the throne along the back wall were guards cladded in the same red as the walls they stood in front of. They were each equipped with special weapons that none of the other Storm Troopers were trained to use or had even seen before.

Snoke sat on the throne in a fit of gold robes that fell lifelessly from his deprived body. The color of his face made him look even more haunting while the red tint shadowed the crushed-in hollow of his right cheek to appear bruised, though Serena knew it was an old, old wound. The hologram helped to smooth out the wrinkles along his aged face, and in the flesh she noticed every minute detail, even the valley of a scar that drove down the rounded peak of his bald head and stopped at the top of his forehead.

The man had lived a tortured life, the scars and condition of his body told a story of troubled woes. Despite the obvious pain he had been through, Serena didn't hold a morsel or pity for him. She was sure he deserved every infliction of pain he had received in his lifetime.

"Tell me, General Hux, about your hold over the Resistance..." Snoke's sunken eyes looked over to Hux who stood on the opposite side of the platform from Serena. She kept her gaze straight ahead, looking at the abrupt, sharp top of Snoke's throne instead of at him.

"We have a tracker that will hold their location as long as we are within distance of them." General Hux explained. "Even if they travel through lightspeed." He saved the best tidbit for last.

It was the most vital piece, the single point that gave the First Order an advantage over the Resistance. They would be able to follow the Resistance anywhere... over and over and over again.

Snoke thought about it as he lifted his crooked chin in contemplation. "Tied on a string indeed, General Hux... Well done." He congratulated the man. "The Resistance will soon be in our grasp."

General Hux's ego swelled to about the size of Snoke's head as he puffed his chest out proudly and gave his Supreme Leader a firm nod. "Thank you, Supreme Leader." Hux turned to leave, but not before he gave Serena's figure a smug smirk.

Serena breathed in as she felt his fixed stare on her side. She refused to indulge his immature antics, and instead carefully wound her hands behind her back and straightened herself as Kylo Ren's presence filled the room.

She widened her stance on the left side of the platform as she pinpointed Ren's presence on the walkway behind her. As he approached, Hux left, exchanging one nuisance with another.

As Ren stood a few feet to her right, directly in front of the Supreme Leader, he bowed to his knee and let his head hang down respectfully.

Serena finally looked away from Snoke's throne as he peered down at him. Though she desperately wished not to care about his well-being, a large part of her wondered how his wounds had healed. She found herself disappointed when he had his mask on. She knew she should have expected it, it was his safeguard just as much as hers was, but she wanted to see his scar. She wanted to make sure he was properly cared for in her absence.

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