Deserving Goodbyes

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Perhaps, somewhere, someday, at a less miserable time, we may see each other again...

-Vladimir Nabokov

Serena paced along the length of her bare room. The floor was cleared of all torn clothes and ruined pillows. All the garbage had been stuffed down the trash chute and her bed was put back on its frame. It wasn't perfect, but she didn't care about what condition her room was in, there were much bigger issues. Mainly in the form of an innocent Rebel Pilot being held captive a few floors below her. 

She squatted down and set her elbows on her bent knees. She bowed her head and ran her gloved fingers through her hair to upset it. She watched as the gray trestles fell forward to cover her vision. The stringy, wavy chunks caught the harsh overhead light and changed from a beautiful pale silver to a dull gray. 

Even her hair lost its beauty inside the First Order. 

Serena shook her head as she got off track. She dragged her hands down to her jaw and looked up as she thought through her plan one more time. 

Three thousand, four hundred and eighteen Troopers, Officers, and Kylo Ren. 

Four thousand, one hundred and two feet from the cell block to the hangar. 

Serena could take out every last guard and Officer as they sprinted to the hangar. She would even carry Poe if she had to, but Kylo Ren...

Kylo Ren.

Serena let her head fall forward as she let out a breath. She couldn't kill him. Even for Poe's sake, she couldn't kill him. 

Her fingertips pressed into the soft tissue under her jaw as she forced her head up. 

"New plan..." She decided as she stood up. She turned away from the wall of windows to look towards the door out of her room. Her eyes looked along the length of it as she tried to think of a plan. Poe was reckless and impulsive, but she wasn't. She liked calculated moves- moves that would ensure she and Poe could leave and never look back. 


But Kylo Ren was just as impulsive, and if he suspected her feelings for Poe, he would speed up Poe's execution. She didn't have time for a well calculated plan. Every second she wasted in her room trying to come up with something were seconds that Kylo Ren contemplated killing Poe to rid himself of the slight nuisance. 

"New plan... no plan..." Serena nodded as she walked towards the door. "Yeah... no plan..." She didn't give herself time to talk her out of it. She hurried from her room and took the elevator down to the cell block.

As she watched the little red down arrow flicked she tapped her fingers along her thighs and chewed on her lip anxiously. 

No plan.... No plan... Really, no plan sort of is a plan... Not a very good one, but it's still a plan. 

Serena nodded as she slowly convinced herself of her no-plan plan. 

The second the elevator doors opened she strode over to Poe's containment cell, but the guards weren't at their posts as they should have been. 

The only guards in the detention cell were the two at the main controls. She stalked past them without so much as a look their way. "I'm here to see the prisoner," She told them dismissively as they caught sight of her. 

"Uh... but..."

"I'm not in the mood!" She snapped to get them to back off. She lifted her hand to raise the thick metal doors, but stopped short of just entering his cell. 

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