It's a Man's Man's Man's World

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Oh, how your kingdom will fall... when you find that your discarded pawn was the queen all along...

-Erin Van Vuren

"I can't believe we're going back empty handed," Finn grumbled as they landed the Falcon between a medical frigate and a row of A-Wing fighters. The entire cockpit rumbled around them as the landing gear extracted. 

Serena pressed her head back into the seat's rest to stop everything from shaking. Her fingers curled over the ends of the chair as she turned her head to see Finn in the seat behind Poe. "We stayed the whole two weeks," She told him. "But there was nothing- no ships that were even remotely tied to the First Order. Whoever Leia's source was, they were a dud." She gave a shrug as he looked over at her. "Kylo Ren never wanted to go to the planet. It was a false lead."

The Falcon touched down smoothly, ending the rattle that shook Serena's whole world. She lifted her head from the seat and unbuckled herself before she stood. She walked out first, with the three others following behind as she plucked her bag from the hallway and made her way to the ramp. 

Being the first, she pressed the button to lower it. As the pressure released and the ramp dropped she felt the familiar sticky heat seep in through the cracks and wrap around her limbs. In a single moment she felt wet with Ajan Kloss's heat. It was familiar to her and gave her the sense of coming home. 

The ramp lowered, and the four- plus BB-8- walked down to leave their home of the past two weeks. 

Serena stepped off the ramp to see the sparkling dew still layered over the sleeping ground. Hues of pinks and oranges spread over the green trees and tall grass around the shipyard, showering them in just a pinch of the morning's beauty. 

With her bag in hand, Serena turned towards the boys and gave them a smirk. "Do you think you three can take the meeting with Leia? I have a best friend who's been dying to see me."

"Go," Poe nodded at her. "Tell Kaydel we say hi."

Serena smiled and gave him a single nod before she turned back to the base. She navigated the quiet, sleeping halls. Though she knew they had landed early, she hadn't anticipated landing before the entire base woke up. 

She entered her familiar bedroom to see all the lights turned on but Kaydel's bed empty and unmade. The bathroom door was closed, and through it came the steady hum of the shower. 

Serena smiled at the perfect opportunity laid out before her. She moved her to impeccable bed and set her bag down by the gloves that waited patiently for her return. She gave a hefty scoff as she plucked the gloves unceremoniously from her bed. As soon as the leather touched her palm all of her confidence faltered. Her shoulders drooped as she slowly rubbed her thumb along the worn fabric. Two weeks was all it took for her to realize that she never wanted to wear the gloves again. No compromise. Even if her hands stained red with blood, it was better to feel all the bad than to be numb from everything. 

She turned towards her and Kaydel's shared nightstand and opened the dresser drawer to throw the gloves in them. When the drawer was shut she let out a heavy breath and lifted her shoulders back up. With the gloves out of sight she felt slightly better. 

While she waited for Kaydel to finish with her shower, she put her clothes back in the closet. She hung up all of her black clothes, then made sure to hang her cream, silk top so it wouldn't wrinkle. It looked so out of place among all of her leather and black corsets, but she liked the contrast. It made it even more meaningful that Poe had gifted it to her. It was different, and it was from him. She felt like if she wore it, she'd be a completely new and intricate person. 

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