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You cannot save people, you can only love them...

-Anis Nin

Poe sat in the pilot's seat of the borrowed freighter as he flew them towards the Star Destroyer that held his astromech. The tracking system honed on to the ship with a steady, low hum to tell them they were in the right place.

"This... is borderline insane," Snap told him as he flipped a switch to slow them down. "You must really love your droid." He muttered as he powered down the thrusters until they were floating dead in the air.

"He's more than a droid," Poe muttered as he focused all his attention on the beeping tracker. "He's family."

"And he has tons of information about The Resistance," Finn added as an afterthought.

"Well, we're here." Kare sighed as she bent between Poe and Snap to view the gigantic Star Destroyer in front of them.

Poe looked at it and suddenly felt like an ant under the shadow of a shoe. All it would take is a simple stomp and they'd be dead.

"Time to call your girl up," Kare told Poe with a strong sense of distaste to her voice. "Her being buddy-buddy with The First Order has its advantages..."

"That's one of the only good things about her- if you can even consider it a good thing." Jessika muttered from behind Poe's seat.

"Enough." Poe's voice cut through their talk as he swiveled in his chair. He reached up to the ship's comm mic and flipped it on. "Serena, we're in range of the Star Destroyer." He turned the mic off and moved back to face the windshield.

"You know I don't ever question you, Poe... but this plan..." Snap's head shook slowly. "We're relying on a woman known for betraying a person she's known half her life. Is that really someone we can count on?"

Poe set his jaw as he turned towards Snap, but he didn't get the chance to answer before Serena stepped into the cockpit.

He looked back at her as she stood between Kare, Jessika and Finn. Though she was surrounded by people who despised her, she somehow held strong. So incredibly strong he thought he was looking at the woman he had met over a year ago who decided to fake her own death and told him to piss off. He found that her eyes still held the fire from her burning her helmet alongside the two Storm Troopers.

He tried to focus as he handed her the headset to talk directly to the Star Destroyer.

"Freighter, identify yourself or you will be shot on sight."

Poe's shoulders stiffed at the imminent threat, but what worried him more was how Serena gulped and nervously settled the headset on her head. She was always so sure and confident, and yet something about this all rattled her. She had been rattled ever since Rey told the entire Resistance that she loved Kylo Ren.

He sat incredibly still and watched as she composed herself before she spoke, then, when she opened her mouth she sounded like the woman who called out to the galaxy to openly mock Kylo Ren.

"This is Serena. I am surrendering myself to The First Order on claims of treason and Resistance sympathizing. I have come at Kylo Ren's request."

His stomach twisted at her saying his name. He knew he shouldn't be jealous. He had no right to be jealous over her holding feeling for someone she knew before him. He had been with many women before he met Serena and she never once questioned him about it.

But he never loved any of them.

"Is this a joke?" The voice pulled Poe from his taunting thoughts.

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