Meet Kylo's Sword

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They made you into a weapon and told you to find peace...


"This is one of the only available rooms we have that isn't a shared unit." Officer Connix pressed a button to whiz the door open in front of them. She stepped into the dark, stuffy room and turned the lights on. Inside was a bed, a single dresser, an attached bathroom, and a single chair. "It's not much." She cleared her throat as the unsettled dust tickled her throat. "Probably nothing compared to what you're use to." She tried for a joke, but as she turned back to Serena's pale, set, face she realized the joke didn't land.

"There's a lot I'm use to," Serena told the Officer as she stepped into the room to set her bag on the chair. "Doesn't mean any of it was good." As she had a reprieve from the heavy bag, she turned back to the officer and looked her over with narrowed, scrutinizing eyes. "What's your name?"

"Kaydel- Connix, Kaydel Connix." She stammered over her own name and momentarily cursed herself for being so awkward with words.

Serena tilted her head as she looked the small, frail girl over. Her dirty blonde hair was pulled back into a halo braid so tight it removed all wrinkles from her young, smooth face. Her eyes were small but held vibrant hazel eyes that almost perfectly matched her hair. Her skin was clear of any imperfections, she didn't even had the typical blushed cheeks. She was all smooth, tan skin, perfect hair, and pretty eyes.

It made Serena's stomach cringe.

"How did someone of the likes of you find the Resistance?" Serena's tone was borderline judging, and she did nothing to adjust it.

Kaydel cleared her throat again as she looked around the bare room. "I- Well, you know how the First Order's hold is growing every day. My home was rampaged by your people-"

"Stop-" Serena held up a hand. Kaydel immediately clamped her mouth shut. "My people?" Serena snarled at the demeaning objectification. She took a small step towards Kaydel. She walked on her toes, eliminating all sound from her movement. "They are not my people. They were never my people." Her every word dripped with lead and filled the small, stale room with toxins. "Your home was rampaged by the First Order- a bunch of power-hungry, egotistical assholes who's only mission is to eradicate anyone they view as lesser." She took another step until she was toe-to-toe with the cadet. "Never call them my people." Serena whispered as her fiery, amber eyes flitted over Kaydel's face. Kaydel nodded, but didn't dare look away. Her constant eye contact intrigued Serena, as well as the fright dripping from her like sweat. "You're terrified of me." Her anger slowly dissipated as it was replaced with a mild amusement.

"Yes," Kaydel breathed out as her body began to tremble against her will. Her eyes fluttered to try and keep the moisture from building within them.

"Yet, you still stand here." Serena took a step back to look down at Kaydel's body. "You still look me in my eyes as I terrify you." Serena wasn't sure whether to be impressed or annoyed.

Kaydel dug her nails into her palms to distract herself from her own horror. "I was taught not to run from my fears. That's why I joined the Resistance." She answered the question Serena had asked before.

Serena's pouty lips pursed as she contemplated what to do next. In the First Order she would inflict pain to drive home the terror- it was instructed to make any and all troops horrified of the high ranking officers. But Serena wasn't with the First Order anymore. She had to find a new route, a new way to deal with people who found her legacy threatening.

"I'm starving." Serena dropped her gaze from Kaydel to look around the horrendous room. "Is there a place to eat around here?" It was a simple question that required a simple answer, but Kaydel over delivered- as she usually did.

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