Part of Something

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After all, we are nothing more or less than we choose to reveal...

-Sylvia Plath

Serena watched her tea slosh dangerously close to the lip of the to-go cup in her left hand. She held her breath as she looked over to the coffee in her right hand just as some spilled over and stained the white Styrofoam. 

"Shit," She swore as she paused in the hangar to still the quaking liquids. When the sloshing slowed she let out a breath and carefully stepped forward on her toes to even her steps. She switched between the cups, but no matter how hard she tried she lost a bit of each with every few steps. "It's useless." She said as she approached Poe and BB-8. "I'm filing an official complaint, the cafeteria has been out of to-go lids for the past three weeks." She complained as she set Poe's half-spilt coffee on his tool tray. "But..." She sighed as she looked over Poe in his leather jacket and khaki pants. He had his weapon's belt clipped over his waist and a pistol holstered to it. "It looks like you've been up for a while... and that's coming from the woman who barely sleeps." Serena set her cup next to his as she looked from Poe to his fighter. "What's going on? Why does it look like you're going somewhere?"

Poe stalled with his palm pressed against the side of his X-Wing. He bowed his head and looked at her under his arm. Her bright eyes scanned the length of his fighter before they flicked over to him. As soon as they met his eyes, he saw them brighten. 


Poe pushed off and joined her at his tool tray. "I've been assigned a mission." He admitted as he looked down at his coffee. His cup was soaked with spilled coffee and had been aerated so much it lost its warmth.

"Okay..." Serena's pale brows knotted together at the hesitance in his voice. "Why do I sense there's more... and before you ask, no," Her lips curved up slightly. "It's not the Force telling me, it's your face-" She motioned up to his face. 

Poe cracked a grin as he grabbed his coffee to take a sip. 

Serena waited patiently as he took his sweet time enjoying his coffee. 

He looked over the lip of his coffee cup to see her watching him. He knew it was inevitable, so he lowered his cup and swallowed all the coffee in his mouth. "There is more." He told her. 

Serena hummed as she folded her arms over her chest. "What is it?" She asked skeptically. 

Poe looked up as he decided whether to lie to her and risk her finding out, or tell her the truth and face the possible wrath of what was to come. 

"We found Lor San Tekka." His eyes dropped to see her lips part in surprise. 

"That's... that's fantastic!" She dropped her arms as she straightened up. She gave a smile as she lifted her hands to tuck her hair behind her ears. "Poe, that is fantastic, so why... why are you being like this?" She slowly walked around the tool tray to get to Poe's side. She looked from his worried eyes to his set mouth. "Poe? Tell me."

"There were some... conditions that I had to agree to in order to go on this mission." He started off with the basics. He thought it was better than just diving straight in. 


Poe let out a breath as he prepared himself for the next part. "One of those conditions..." He squinted as he looked between her fiery eyes. "Is that if I'm captured by the First Order... you don't come for me."

"I don't-"

"No one... comes for me." He corrected himself. 

Serena stilled as she searched for the lie in his eyes. She saw guilt and worry and slight concern- but no lie. "You can't be serious-" Serena gave a dry laugh as she took another step towards him. "Then... get someone else to do it." She looked down to see the laser pistol along his hip. She noticed it before, but now it was even more prominent.

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