The Ally

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"It will take us a few days of traveling through Lightspeed to reach the outer rim. Once we're there it'll be a quick ride to meet up with the ally." Poe's voice was all business as he looked around the hub at his team. Serena stood beside him with her arms folded lazily over her chest. She cradled her left arm as it tired after a long day. The ache reached deep into her chest until her scar throbbed with every slow beat of her heart. With all the attention on Poe, she carefully adjusted her arm until her left fingers gripped onto her right shoulder. It eased some of the building tension, but there was still the unsettled heat.

"What do we do until then?" A mechanic asked. He had been a low cadet within the Resistance. He was one of the new recruits who only knew Serena for her tremendous feat against the Star Destroyer, and her tremendous defeat against the Sith Lord she supposedly loved.

The mechanic's question was answered as a hiss seeped into the hub. The high-pitched whine grew louder with each passing second.

Poe grunted and took a step toward the noise. "We fix that-" he wagged a finger in the general direction of the noise. "We fix everything on his damn ship."

Chewie growled with discontent.

Poe huffed as he turned to look at the giant Wookie. "Yeah, well, it's barely holding on here, Chewie. It sat in a desert while you and Han Solo-" Chewie howled even louder at the mention of his longest friend. "Okay!" Poe shouted to be heard over Chewie. "I'm sorry for bringing it up!" He held his hands up defensively. "I'm sorry, Chewie, I didn't mean it!"

Chewie only waved a hand as he left the room. Serena, Finn, and Poe watched him leave.

"It's rough," Serena explained to them. "To have someone for so long, then to suddenly be without them."

The weight of her words fell over all of them.

She licked her lips and dropped her arms from her chest. Her left arm twinged at the sudden extension. "I'll keep watch with him," she offered as she moved toward the exit. She stopped before it and peered back at both anxious boys. "That means you two will have to play nice all by yourselves."

Finn looked at Poe who narrowed his gaze at her. She lifted her fingers in a small wave before she went to find her upset Wookie.

The halls of the Millennium Falcon were filled with ancient stories of triumph and despair. They pressed into the air around her, just as the AC pushing out of the busted vents. She could imagine the many years of smuggling Han Solo had accomplished with Chewie by his side. Now, only Chewie walked these halls and reminisced on his past with the ship.

"Serena," Poe followed her out of the hub. "I know what you're trying to do."

"I'm trying to find Chewie," she told him as she refused to look back. "He was distraught. I want to irritate him just enough to make him forget about his sorrows."

"Serena-" he grabbed her right hand and carefully tugged her to a stop. She turned to see the determination darkening his eyes. "I know what you're trying to do with me and Finn."

She raised a pale eyebrow as she feigned ignorance. "I don't understand."

His head ticked forward with disbelief. "Please. You're methodical in nature. You probably planned this the moment you decided Finn was coming on this mission."

She shrugged her shoulders noncommittedly. "Chewie said he wanted to spend more time together. We've barely spoken since I left the hospital wing. Keeping watch together will give us ample time to catch up, discuss our thoughts..." she looked between Poe's eyes. "Forgive one another for past mistakes."

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