I wanna hold your hand

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You're beginning to feel less like a friend and more like home...


Serena's sleeping body withered in agony. Her kicking feet tangled the sheets around her legs and her shoulders pressed down into the mattress, pushing her face deeper into the pillow. She moved in fits of uncontrolled terror, the same terrors that mutilated her brain and haunted every inch of her. 

She gave out a whimper as she fisted the sheet and curled her knees up into her chest. She cradled herself as her spine curved and threatened to snap back. The horrors played over her like a dance. Her muscles twitched under their influence and stole any chance for peace. 

A rather nasty spasm pushed her shoulder back hard enough for her to roll over. The small movement was just enough to rip her awake from her endless loop of Snoke mocking her. Her eyes peeled open and looked up at the exposed ceiling above her. Rusted beams ran along the length of the ceiling. Wrapped around them were blue and red wires, tangling around one another until she couldn't discern which went where. 

The stupid ceiling and less-than code above her weren't enough to distract her from the heavy thumping inside her chest. It drown out even the loud hum of the engine under her. Her entire body pulsed along with her racing heart, making her feel like her skin was vibrating off her bones. 

She turned her head but stopped short as a kink pressed into the tense tissue traveling down the side of her neck and wrapping over the front of her shoulder. It pulsed along with her heart too, and made her feel like the muscle had a mind of its own. Suddenly, she didn't control anything- she wasn't in control anymore. Her body actively worked against her, killing her slowly in her sleep, depriving her of any peaceful rest so she would go insane. 

Death by losing her mind would be a way to go, it was what she deserved after all the innocent souls she robbed from the galaxy. Insanity seemed like a light sentence. 

Still, she knew she would have to trudge on. Her night terrors tried to drag her down to the depths of hell, but that didn't mean she had to stick around. She would claw and scratch her way out until she breathed her last breath. She would not let Snoke ruin her any more. 

She sat up and kicked the tangled sheets to the foot of her bed. They wrapped around her ankles and clung on to her for dear life, even as she wiggled her feet and pulled them back towards her the sheets followed. Irritation seeped into her sore muscles and made her strike out at the sheets. She grabbed the thin sheet with both fists and ripped it up in the air before she threw it down by the footboard. The light material floated heavenly through the air without a care in the world. It mocked her as it took its time before it settled back on the bed. 

Without the blanket on her, the crisp room cooled the sweat that drenched her skin. The quick switch caused goosebumps to infect her exposed skin. Her hair stuck awkwardly to her neck and pulled against her throat with each heavy swallow. Her trembling fingertips slicked over her sweat-soaked skin and came away wetter than she wanted them to be as she pushed her hair off her neck. 

She groaned as she let her hand drop lifelessly back to her bed. She looked around the empty room and found the odd shadows pooling in every corner concerning. Her mind took the shapes and transformed them into sharp edges of thrones and decrepit fingers reaching out for her. 

The shadows forced her out of her bed. She stumbled over her stiff feet and backed up until she almost tripped over her duffle bag. She turned and bent over to grab the bag in her arms. When it was pressed safely against her chest she fled the personal quarters and welcomed the brightly lit hallway. 

The harsh overhead light burned her dry eyes, but the absence of shadows made up for the pain. She padded barefoot across the wide hall towards the bathroom. When she was locked safely inside she dropped her bag and leaned against the door to appease her trembling muscles. Her head rested against the door as she looked up at the flickering light in the middle of the bathroom's ceiling. The bulb ticked every few seconds as it struggled to stay on. 

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