Through war we find peace

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In her heart there's a hole, there's a black mark on her soul. In her hands is my heart and she won't let go 'till it's scarred...

- Bryce Fox, Horns

"Commander Dameron... General Organa has requested your presence in her office." C-3PO, a golden Protocol Droid built before the Clone Wars the divided the galaxy, informed Poe. 

Poe pulled himself out from under his T-70 X-wing to look at the droid. "Did she say what it was about?" 

"She did not, sir." C-3PO was worry prone, and his lack of an avaible answer was enough to kick start his anxiety. "I am quite sorry, sir."

"Don't worry about it-" Poe groaned as he got up and wiped the oil from his palms onto the pants of his jumpsuit. "I'll head that way now." He knocked his knuckles against the droid's shoulder as he past by. 

The halls within the Resistance's home base were bustling with Officers- young and hopeful, old and hardened- as they tended to their daily duties. Poe weaved through them as he backtracked to Leia's office which was located at the hub of the base. She liked to be central to everything, equal to all parts and people within her cause. She had an open door policy, and often sent her droid to beckon those she had a need for. 

Today, she had a need for Poe. 

He stalled right outside of her door and ran a greasy hand through his hair. His effort to tame his curls worked about as much as a sprinkle on a wildfire. Poe knew it was a lost cause, so he abandoned all effort and stepped into his General's office. 

General Leia was a woman not to be trifled with, and though many thought she had slipped past her prime, there was still something about her that wasn't quite done yet. She had more work to do, and she refused to step back until she saw it through. 

"You've requested me, General?" Poe locked his hands behind his back as he looked towards her. She stood with her back to him as she watched a hologram image of a small planet. When she turned, he spotted the calming smile slanted along her profile. 

"Poe, you're being summoned." She waved him over like she would an old friend. 

"Summoned?" Poe dropped his hands to his side as he walked over to join her. He squinted down at the hologram to see a planet along the outer rim. "By who?" He asked when he didn't recognize the planet. 

"A... woman." The way Leia said the word made Poe look at her. The calming smile slowly turned into a knowing, teasing smirk. "Have you been giving your name out to pretty girls at outposts?" She knew it wasn't likely, but she couldn't pass up on the opportunity to tease the virile man. 

"I-" Poe's voice caught in his throat as he thought of who would know his name- or even how to reach him. Very little people knew he had joined the Resistance, and those who did haven't spoken to him in years. Instead of giving her an answer, he took another look at the planet. He lifted a hand to turn the image, but seeing the other side did nothing to help jog his memory. "What was the exact message?" He asked for more background. 

Leia turned to press a button on the hologram table. The planet was replaced by an image of a man with a graying beard and giant, pale blue eyes. "General Organa, a woman has found me, she knows who I am and who I know... she asked me to send a message. She wants... Poe. She did not give a last name. She told me to have Poe meet her here, on Bradegon. She... she did not give a name, and when I asked she told me to relay the message." 

The video froze as the man's eyes moved to stare at something beyond the camera frame. The image perfectly encapsulated the horror in his pale eyes. 

Will of the Many~ Poe DameronWhere stories live. Discover now