The Final Order

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Serena's shoulders pressed into the side of the freighter. Her head fell back to rest among the thin padding protecting the inner wires. Every shake of the freighter caused her head to rumble and press harder into the stiff padding. 

The rumble meant nothing to her. Not when she had the churning turmoil inside of her. She had thought of Exegol for so long, imagining going with Kylo Ren so he would finally have all he wanted. She thought if they reached it, it would be enough for him. Then maybe, maybe, she would be enough for him. 

Now, she was going to Exegol without him. She was going with The Resistance to stop him and The First Order- The Final Order. 

Her heart ached, each beat hammered in her to do what was right, whether or not it would tear her apart. 

She wanted to go to Exegol with Kylo Ren. Now she was going to end him. 

If he showed up.

She could still see Ben's soft eyes looking at her, apologizing for everything he had done, telling her that he loved her. 

She squeezed her eyes shut as she tried to will the image of him away. But it wouldn't budge. She saw him as he was, bleeding out, holding her as his dying breaths faded. Then, suddenly, he was healed and beautiful and perfect and looking at her like a man begging for forgiveness. 

She didn't have any forgiveness to give him. 

"We can use these explosives," Finn quietly went over his plan with Jannah. 

Serena's eyes peeled open to spot him with Jannah by the Orbaks. They were crouched over a bag as he ruffled through it. There was a purpose driving him. It wafted off of him like an expensive perfume. She had never felt such a strong sense around him before. But now that they were close to the end, he was nearly encompassed with it. 

"This will work... right?"

She turned to look at Kaydel beside her. She sat with her back pressed against the wall. Her legs were bent and knee bounced anxiously as she looked around at the people stuffed inside the freighter. Her hazel eyes were wide with fear and anticipation. She let out a single breath and poured every one of her insecurities into the air. 

Serena reached a hand out to still Kaydel's knee. She looked at her pale hand over the dark material of Kaydel's pants. She squeezed and offered a small smile. "There is strength here, Kaydel." She remembered telling Rose something similar when they crash-landed in the case on Crait. Rose was worried about what was left of the Resistance. "Whether if it's one of us or all of us, there is strength here." She looked up at Kaydel to see her anxiously watching her. "Have hope, Kaydel. Hope is what keeps us alive."

She pulled in a strong breath. Her chest lifted with new life. She clung to it as she nodded. "Hope."

"There is a reason Leia preached it so heavily." She leaned into Kaydel's side and rested her head against her temple. She looked over at the Orbaks, then across to the quiet team that made up their squadron. "The First Order was scared of Leia's influence over the galaxy. They were scared of a single person, not because of her name or what she had accomplished in the past, but because of the hope she instilled in the galaxy. They wanted to snuff out the hope. Take away people's hope... and shortly after they will crumble." 

"Hope," Kaydel whispered. 


"Why mess around with explosives?" Wellington asked as he looked over Finn's plans. His loud question caused the entire freighter to look over at Finn and Jannah. The explosives were small enough to fit in a small shoulder bag. It wasn't much to look at, but if Serena was an example, lethal measures often came in small, unsuspecting packages. "We have our own massive weapon right there-" he motioned to Serena. 

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