Ulterior Motives

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Do not be ashamed of the wars your soul has fought to save itself...

-Isra Al-Thibeh

Serena's shoulders ached uncomfortably as she kept them drawn back. The muscles of her shoulders and upper biceps began to tremble at the excess stress she put on them, still, she didn't relax- she couldn't even if she wanted to.

Kylo Ren kept watching her. As she leaned against the side of the transport and looked towards the small cockpit window his eyes were on her. A knot of despair tied along her stomach, with every passing second it looped inside of her, getting bigger and bigger.

"A year..." Ren's voice tripped with harsh mechanics that disguised the true emotion in his voice. "A whole year I thought I lost... you."

Serena swallowed as she slowly turned her head to look up at him. While she leaned back against a wall, he stood up straight halfway between her and the cockpit. He barely fit inside the transport vessel, his sheer size dwarfed all the other Troopers- and her.

"I know." She used her tight shoulders to push herself up from the wall. She took a step towards him as she looked along his dark figure. "I... I wanted to contact you, but I was never alone with them... I don't think they trusted me, even after all this time." She shook her head as she shared her truth.

His head bent as she stood just in front of him. "I pictured you with longer hair..." He reached a gloved hand up to play with the ends of her hair. The tip of the glove over his middle finger scratched her neck just below her ear and sent a shiver down her back. "Every night I dreamt of seeing you again and you'd be older... but you haven't aged a day." His fingers pushed her hair behind her ear for her.

Serena's eyes fluttered closed as she reveled in the sensation. His words added to the euphoria until she momentarily forgot where she was.

She opened her eyes and stared into the darkness of his mask. "You... dreamt of me?" Her voice betrayed her vulnerability.

His hand fell from her hair as the ship began to enter the Star Destroyer. "I dreamt of us... you and me ruling the galaxy."

Serena's heart was crushed as she realized even in his dreams she wasn't enough. He had to have more.

"We're landing, sir." The pilot of the transport pulled Kylo Ren away from her.

Serena turned away from him so he couldn't see the hurt on her face. As she turned, she saw Poe glaring at her with a mixture of horror and hatred laced through his eyes. The look doubled the knot in her stomach. She lifted her chin and turned away from him back towards Kylo. She would rather Kylo see her disappointment than watch the betrayal on Poe's face.

She stepped towards the cockpit to watch as they slowly descended into the Star Destroyer's hangar. The mass of white momentarily blinded her, but with a few blinks, she adjusted to the familiar sight.

It had been a whole year since she set foot on a Star Destroyer, but all that time had gone down the drain. It meant nothing as she ended up right back where she was- where she belonged.

Kylo Ren stepped out of the cockpit just as they touched down in the hangar. Serena turned to stand by his side as he looked over the mini fleet. "Take the prisoner to the cell block... you do not have to be gentle." He looked at the guards who kept a grip on Poe.

Serena's head ticked up as she turned to watch the guards rip Poe from his seat. His hands were bound in front of him, and she could see from her spot that they dug uncomfortably tight into his wrists.

She bit her tongue to keep from making a snarky comment towards the guards. Instead, she followed after them as they shoved Poe down the ramp and into the hangar.

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