Unparalleled beauty

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How beautifully brave are you, you who carries constant fear but still, lives...


"Serena, there's someone at the door for you." Kaydel's groggy voice pulled Serena from her deepest slumber.

She groaned and rolled over to hide her face in her pillow. Sleep clawed heavily at her shoulders and pushed her deeper into the duvet. "How do you know it's for me?" Her voice came out muffled and groggy. 

Kaydel sighed as she leaned on the doorframe and crossed her arms. "Because I never have any ruggedly handsome pilots beckoning me to come out at ungodly hours of the night."

Serena gave another annoyed groan as she pushed her hands against the side of the pillow to build it up around her ears. "Tell him I'm not here." The annoyance seeped from her words and translated through the material of the pillow. 

Kaydel looked at Poe who stood in the open doorway. "She's not here." She deadpanned.

Poe chuckled as he dropped his arms from his chest. He entered the dim room and crossed the small space to stand by Serena's bed. The blankets were pulled so far up the bed her bare feet poked out of the bottom. She laid on her stomach as she kept her face pressed into the bunched-up pillow.

"I'm not sure how you can breathe that way, it's a little concerning." He teased her as he walked from the end of the bed to the left side of it. He stopped at her hips and kneed the mattress to shake her a bit. "I promise you'll want to get up for this."

Serena huffed as she pushed herself up to her elbows and glared up at Poe with fiery eyes narrowed into slits and the blue vein pulsing madly along her creased forehead. "I was sleeping, Poe Dameron. There is not a single thing you can show me that will make up for the lost sleep."

Poe grinned as held her gaze. "I think there is."

Serena's nostrils flared as a fatigued headache pressed at the back of her eyes. "Five minutes." She gave him as she flipped onto her back and kicked the blanket off of her legs. "Five minutes then I'm back in this bed. If not-" Poe backed up as Serena stood right where he just was. She lifted her hand and aggressively poked his chest. "I will personally castrate you with my lightsaber... and I will not be gentle- or precise." She poked his chest again as her eyes flitted between his.

Poe's grin never faltered as he looked down at her. There was an absurd amount of volume to the right half of her hair and several distinct red lines that pressed into her snowy cheeks. One of the spaghetti straps on her black cami top had just begun to fall but had gotten stuck around the cusp of her shoulder. Her silk black capris made her calves look luminously white, even in the dim lighting.

Serena was impressively human, from her bedhead to her skewed pajamas, and Poe found that even more humorous as she gave lethal threats.

"What are you smirking at?" Serena's bad mood dragged on as she shoved past him to put her shoes on. She gave Kaydel an annoyed roll of her eyes as she grabbed her black, steel-toed boots from the front of their closet and slipped them on without socks. She bent over and tucked her laces behind the tongue to get them out of the way.

When she stood back up she looked over her shoulder at Poe who was watching her with the same level of amusement.

"Poe, if you don't wipe that dirty smirk off your face I'm not going. I swear it," She threatened as she moved towards the door. Her loose boots dragged along the tile to create a heavy thud with every lift of her feet.

Poe didn't try to contain himself as he followed Serena out. He gave Kaydel a wink as he passed by her.

Serena stood in the brightly lit hallway as she waited for Poe with her nude arms folded over her chest. She pursed her lips as he came out and shut her door behind him. "If it's something stupid, Poe-"

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