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The galaxy celebrated the end of a regime. The First Order was no more. There was nothing but small clusters of loyalists spread throughout the galaxy.

But hope spread just as far. It reached into the Outer Rim, into the Unknowns until every planet knew of its purpose.

The First Order was no more.

Balance was restored.

Serena felt it as she walked off the Millennium Falcon with Finn. Ajan Kloss of blooming with life and celebration. The Resistance flourished as those who survived hugged and danced with one another. The birds chirped a happy melody in the trees. The wind rustled the leaves along to a heavenly tune only Serena could hear.

Finn gently patted Serena's shoulder as he moved to find Rey.

She had her own mission as she looked from smiling face to smiling face. She clutched at her bleeding ribs and limped through the party. The weight of the fight hung heavy on her shoulders. It weighed on her soul until a firm imprint stained her.

She had experienced death before. She had sensed it even. But nothing could prepare her for the feeling of Ben Solo's soul leaving their plane.

The party moved around her. It ebbed and flowed with a life of its own. She held onto that life as she tried to join their celebrations.

Through the crowd, she spotted a burly, gigantic man who stood taller than the rest. He had brown waves that fell to his shoulders and a large, infectious smile.

Serena stopped in her spot. The sight of him made her heart lurch. "Jeb?" She weaved through the crowd as she kept her eyes glued to him. His cheeks rosied as he laughed and danced with some of the others. "Jeb!" She shouted for him.

He heard her call and turned. At the sight of her, his smile widened until his cheeks fattened and eyes squinted. He moved through the people until he reached her. As soon as he was able, he wrapped his arms around her small frame and picked her up.

She laughed as she threw her arms around his shoulders. She closed her eyes and let him hold her off the ground. "Jeb, how'd you-"

"You think I'd let you fight alone?" He set her gently on the ground and hand a hand to her shoulder until she found sure footing. "Csilla heard your transmission. We heard what you did. You fed hope back into a galaxy that was hopeless. When your friends came, I knew what I had to do."

She clasped a hand over his. "You fought on Exegol?"

He nodded. "I might be a better hunter on land, but I know my way around a cockpit."

She smiled in utter astonishment. "Did-" She looked around for any sign of Elijah. "Did anyone else come?"

"He stayed behind, Serena."

The words caused her to sag. She swallowed and looked up at him. "Oh."

He gently squeezed her shoulder. "I am so proud of you. I know your parents would be too."

The mention of her family made her heart clench. "Thank you, Jeb. I know this fight was not yours-"

"This was the galaxy's fight," he corrected her. "I would do it again and again if it meant keeping everyone safe."

She plucked his hand from her shoulder to kiss his knuckles. "You are a good man, Jeb."

His green eyes squinted with admiration. "I'm trying to be. You're setting an example of what good looks like."

She let a cheap breath go.

A presence wrapped lovingly around her shoulders. She turned to see Poe in his orange jumpsuit. His deep eyes scoured the base, hoping from face to face in search of her.

Will of the Many~ Poe DameronWhere stories live. Discover now