Chapter 2

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"Let me introduce myself, My name is Jessi Im your English teacher. You can call me Miss J. By the way we had a new student came from thailand. Kindly introduce yourself here in front." Miss j look at me and smile.

I do what she said, i face my classmate put my serious face "Hi My name is Lalisa Manoban" my cold voice make them whispered i heard someone said "she's hot"
I smirked and went back to my seat.

"That's it Lalisa?" Miss J asked, I jut nod
We all have finished introducing ourselves.

Miss J started giving topics for the first semester, when suddenly the door opened loudly, Two women came in, one was a tall woman and a small woman i want to keep her in my pocket, they were both beautiful to be honest then a brunette woman with a cat like eyed showed up. Gosh why is it suddenly hot here? we suddenly looked at each other but her gaze are now in Miss J then they talked.

"Hello everyone, my name is Park Chaeyoung, my hobbies are playing guitar and drawing" she smile at us

"Hi guys, my name is Kim Jisoo i love to annoy people" her heart shape lips smile. Then the human cat turn.

"I'm Jennie Kim" she said flatly.  That's it? I want to know about her more, Argh this girl.

I was surprised when she came to me pretend i did not know she stopped at my side and stared at me.

"That's my spot" she said, then i look up giving her the face what are you talking about? "Are you a deaf? Or dumb? I said that's my spot" ok now I'm getting irritated to her.

"I don't see any name of every corner of this chair so it's not yours." I said and look at the window and ignore her, "Yah! I said that's my spot and you better find another seat before something bad happened" she said angrily, as if i was scared. Do you know boo in monster inc movie? Her face is like that now, so cute HAHAHA I don't want to fight because it's a good day today so I'll just give it to her. I stood up in my chair and just let her sit there.

"Its all yours mi'lady" i said teasing her, i found a chair last row near at the door. "Ooohhhh" my classmates react. The human cat glared at me the i smiled at her. When I'm comfortable with my seat the one in front of me is looking at me.

"What?" I asks

"No one dare talk to jennie like that lalisa, and you are the only one who did that." She whispered. "And so? I don't care" i reply

"You'll see lalisa, by the way I'm seulgi" seulgi gestured for a shake hands then a chalk hit her head.

"Can you share what the two of you are talking at the back?" Miss J said.

"Sorry Miss J" we apologize then focused on what Miss J's discussion

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Finally it's lunch break

I waited for them all to leave before I got up and went to the canteen, even I'm freaking hungry.

"Hey lalisa wanna tour you around? Also you don't have anyone to eat with, so I'll just go with you." Seulgi tap my shoulder and i just nodded. "This is the canteen lalisa, let's go get food" when were done getting food seulgi point an empty table, we put down our food and i started eating.

"Are you really quiet lalisa?"

"Nah, you're just really noisy"

Then three groups arrived, i saw Kim Jisoo's group go to the near table in front of us, later Park Chaeyoung groups next to our table after that the human cat groups are behind us. Ooohhh that's why no one used those tables because it was their territory.

"Hey, hey hey. I know you have a lot of questions in your mind so spill it. Don't be shy" seulgi said also looking at them.

"Why they walked like a victoria's secret model?" Seulgi slap my head "That's the first thing bothering you lalisa? I thought your going to ask me about why does it seem like any moment there will be a fight because of the stare of each group. I hit her too "You already know what can be my question, why don't you just say it right away." geez this girl.

"This school where all students are looking for trouble because of the rivalry for the throne. Every year each gang has a contest about who will be the king and queen, if one of the gang loses they need  to split in to half and put in another group that wins.."

"And then? That Gang will no longer exist because they lost?" I asked

"Bingo! but the leader chooses who he wants in the group he defeated. You're good lalisa so what you think? Do you want to join us? Or you want to fight us?" Seulgi said

"Wait wait wait, let me process this school of yours ok? What happened to the people that not chosen?

"they can find or beg someone to accept them because you will not stay in this school long enough if you do not have a gang t- "

"I don't want to involved in any of this shit man. I'm not interested anymore" this whole school is a joke my god! I don't want any violence not because  I'm afraid but because I'm afraid what will i do to them

"Just let me fucking finish first, they can beat you up or let you go, but you are new here so the other gang there probably has a plan for you."

"I don't give a damn. If they come to me i just face them and give them a kiss" i laugh so hard that everyone stare at me especially that human cat, i stop laughing cuz I don't want any attention, Seulgi slap may head hard.

"Fuuuuck that's hurt!"

"The fuck? You're insane bitch, you think this is just a game?" Seulgi said who is tired of explaining to me

I put my serious face on, "No, I'm ready for what is coming"

"Ok then, join us or you will fight my five members, if they beat you up so bad you'll join us and if not we will let you be, but we will remain friends." seulgi put her hand in my shoulder

"I made my self clear right? That I don't want to join any of this gang" i remove her hand, I'm getting mad so i relax myself

"So you choose to be beaten up lalisa. I will wait for you when the class end." Seulgi stand up and i do too. The lunch break end and go to our class rooms.

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Thu, Jan 5 2021

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