Chapter 16

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The school is now a fucking chaos. Even seulgi is not with me this past few days, she always with her gang member, because anytime other gang might attack so all of the gang is alert. Jennie broke the rules about having a king and queen. Because there's still no deserve to be a king, so she replaced it with one ruler, which is "HER" lots of gang triggered about this decision that's why they're eager to get the throne to jennie.

I'm going upstair to freshen up a bit cuz I'm suffocating in our room, nobody got into the classes since the MYOB and WHA start a fight. Aish .. i look down and saw two gang fighting, I don't recognize them but I'm kind'a entertain about this. It's been a routine to me to saw like this scenario.

"Sup lis."

"Hey jisoo, long time no see" I teased her.

"Are you sure you don't want to join in our gang lis?" She asked while both looking at the riot.

"I'm sure jisoo."

"It's dangerous lis. One of the gang capable to hurt you or even kill you without a trace that they did it lis, so as a friend join us lisa." Jisoo said.

"Don't worry about me jisoo, Thanks for the concern. Why can you just talk to your CHIPMUNK, jisoo? Since you two started this bullshit."

"Yah! Take note! She. Started. It."

"Aish.. It doesn't matter. Just talk to her." I really want to have a normal school year you know.

"I can't. Jennie, Rosé and Me agreed that we will be always at the BIG 3 no matter what happened to lessen the trouble in this school. I agreed to that just to protect rosé and jennie."

"So why Rosé come to your gang?"

"That's why I'm mad.! But not to Rosé, I'm mad to her action and decision. This is the first time happen lis." Her jaw clenched. "I have this dream that me and rosé gang will be at one. You know what name I think, if that happen?"

"What?" I asked.

"MIND.YOUR.OWN.AVOCADO." Jisoo smirked.

"Wow! You really fucking thought about that huh?" This girl is unbelievable.

We both laughed. But then I look at jisoo her smile disappeared so I fake cough.

"How about jennie? I heard you didn't talk to her anymore." I asked. I really don't want to join any gang, look how stress they are. Aish

"Yes I am. She didn't even talk to me and rosé about the rules she changed, i just woke up then I heard the news. I don't fucking get it why she even came up to that idea!."

"That's fuck up jisoo. Btw I'm gonna go to my next class jisoo." I walked towards the stairs but jisoo suddenly spoke.

"If ever you're in trouble lis. Just call me okay? Don't you fucking dare forget that." She smile at me and I nod at her also smiling.


Hours passed and it's time to go home.

I go to my locker to put my books then I noticed something silk. I took out the scarf then I heard a gasp to students passing by.

"Royal blue scarf?" What the fuck is this? I'm confused.

"She's really in trouble." I heard one of student, I can sense that their scared?

Aish, it doesn't matter. I put it in my pocket and proceed to where my car is.


I'm about to start my car when a baseball bat hit my window cause to break it and some of shattered glass sink into my face and arm. Then a man with the same school uniform was wearing a half skull mask grab me in my seat.

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