Chapter 10

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This is the day we will perform. I'm fucking nervous. I do my morning routine then put my uniforms on. Our performance will be at 10am so we have much time to practice.

I'm just gonna go buy breakfast at the coffee shop near at my school. I went to my bike and drive.

I finished my food and went to school, I'm on my way to my room when a girl stop infront of me and handed a paper bag, I can't see her face I lower her hand so I can see her clearly.

"Nayeon?" 'This girl always surprise me' she looked around then grab my hand and give the paper bag.

"What's this?" I asked.

"I make you a sandwich please accept it."

I smile at her "oh.. thank you nayeon. I really appreciate it."

"W-welcome lisa, I'm gonna go." Her gaze focus on my back like she seen a ghost.

"O-okay, bye.!" I think she didn't hear me she really walk fast I don't know why..

I heard a fake cough behind me so i turn around.

"Yah! Why do you keep appeared behind me, you startled me".

"Let me look what's inside monkey." She immediately grab the paper bag and open it.

"Hey dumpling that's mine.! Give it back.. yah!!!! Don't eat it!." I was shocked when she ate my food, she really enjoys my fucking sandwich.

"This is nice, but mine was better. Here monkey replacement to this sandwich." She hand me a cute box, i looked at it and it was a cookie.. 'aish this girl really confused me'

"Did you bake this.?" I asked

She immediately turned back to hide her reddened cheeks. "Y-yes I made it for myself but it's all yours now because i already ate your sandwich, Good luck later monkey." Of course she walk away again.

"Thank you dumpling!!" I shout make the students attention turns to me. Hehe


Me and our classmate prepare for our performance, i go to my locker when i open it another letter placed.

Meet me at the court now.

I smiled at what i saw. 'jennie'

I run fast as i can and headed to the court, suddenly a hard thing hit the back of my head makes me fall on the ground, the impact makes me dizzy and i heard someone laughed.

"It's payback time bitch." Oh.. the dog i see.. He's holding the mop stick. I was about to get up when someone kicked me in the stomach it's another dog member.

"F-fuck." I hissed in pain.

"Fight back lisa. I thought you're brave?." Kai grab my hair and lift it to face her.

'i don't really like his fucking face'

"How can i fight..? Your holding me BITCH. Let me stand up" i respond. I feel like my blood is dripping in my back.

Shit. I know I'm in danger there were ten of them while me here.. Getting weak aish.

Kai let go of my head, he let me stand up "We're having fun today boys." Kai said and sit down in the chair, he swing his hand to sign his member to beat the shit out of me.

"Let's finish this fast ok, i have important thing to do." I throw a direct hit on the face of his one member. He stumble on the ground, reason the other member run towards me.

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