Chapter 15

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Third Person's POV

Few days pass a student named momo walking alone going to her locker to get something then an amethyst silk scarf reveal. She know that she's in danger because receiving this means she's the target of one of the gangs WHA, Rosé's gang. She calm herself and slam her locker door then she felt something behind her and she pass out.



"Sire!" Jeongyeon calling me while panting. I ditch class because why not. I'm here at our hide out sitting at the sofa playing my ps5 i take off my headset and look at her.

"What is it jeongyeon?!" I ask loud because she just disturb my game.

"Momo!" She said still panting

"Momo what?!"

"Momo is!"

"Yah! I'm gonna throw this controller to you!" I'm getting impatient, this girl aish!

"She's in the hospital, someone beat her up." Jeongyeon said.

"Who the fuck do that?!" I slam my controller in the table. Momo, I treat her as a real friend not only a gang member. Jeongyeon hand me a scarf with a blood on it.

"Amethyst.." I mumble. It can't be, i know we don't have misunderstanding but if she want to play like this, so be it.

"Gather our gang we will be having a meeting." I said to her then she leave. I tightened my grip on the scarf, no one will mess with my members.


Third Person's POV

The day of the class end. 44 MYOB members gather as jisoo told and make a plan and split the group who will come along for now and begin on how they will take revenge.

Minutes after...

MYOB gang proceed on their cars and motorbike and speed up their engine, they all stop infront of the WHA hide out and go down in their vehicle and get their baseball bat. Jeongyeon knock on the door but no one responds, she gestured one of the member to kick the door, when the door broke, it welcome them with only 3 member of WHA who is Mark, Taeyong and Jaehyun who is eating.

"Yah! I told you to open the door!" Taeyong slap the head of jaehyun.

"I told you also to open the door right!" Jaehyun slap the of Mark.

"I'm busy eating here! Why you don't open the door instead, look they broke it!" Mark slap the head of Taeyong.

"Enough!" Bam Bam said putting the baseballbat on his shoulder and others entered as well, they filled the whole room.

"You bitch fix that door before i knock you out?!" Taeyong ask and put the brass knuckle on her fingers.

Bam bam just chuckle, "Destroy everything you will see here guys, especially enjoy." The 22 gang members start to smashed everything they see. The three members fight against them but they still beat up and cannot longer stand up. The whole room was a mess, the couch is flip over, the tv is broken, the wall has a MYOB sign using a spray paint.

The members still not stop to punch and kick the three members of WHA.

"What the fuck do you want?!" Mark ask weakly.

"We just want your precious leader to know that we are ready for the game she up to." Jisoo's cold voice heard from behind make her member to stop and her gang member make a way, jisoo walk and go to them then look at the three men face with lots of bruise and blood. She throw their black silk scarf on Marks face and leave along with her gang members.



I'm now at my bed lying down, don't know why i feel exhausted right now, aish! But I'm happy because my annoying seatmate didn't go to school, such a relief. I feel my phone buzz and someone is calling then answer it.

"What's up cub."

[ Good evening ace, we need you here in our hide out.]

"I want to sleep cub, I'm gonna go there tomorrow." I yawn and about to end the call when cub say something.

[ Something happen here Ace, we need you here right now.] Her voice is serious so get up on the bed.

"Just tell me now cub."

[ I think it's better if you see it in person.]

I end the call and put some hoodie and get my keys, i start the engine and speed up.

Minutes later, i unbuckle my seatbelt and got out of the car. I'm walking towards in our hide out and shocked because the door is broken and I look inside, i saw scattered glass all over the floor the room, looks like a storm just came in here. Then i saw some of my member clean the wound of my three members, some are starting to clean the mess. My blood boil looking at them.

"What happened here?!" I ask angrily.

"W-we were having dinner when one of the gang broke the door and start to beat us up." Taeyon said.

"And start to smash everything Ace, we really don't know what they really want." Jaehyun explain.

Then i saw mark pulling something in her pocket and hand me her hand and give me the scarf.

"S-she said that they're ready for the game your up to." Mark said while caressing his stomach.

"I didn't know what she's talking about. But i will not let this slide." I said looking at the scarf put it in my pocket.

"Call the others we will make a plan." I said to cub and she just nod.


Still Rosé's POV

It's morning and I'm still mad about what jisoo did to my colleague. I'm done with everything then go now to the school.

I'm now at the school walking, I can feel the eyes on me but when I'm looking at them they averted their eyes on me. Psh!
I know they know what happened yesterday and I don't care.
Mina approach me, one of my gang member.

"Ace, i will walk with you." Mina said, i just nod and proceed to my room.

When I enter the room i look first at mina and waved a goodbye, seulgi and lisa smile at me, jennie still has her bitch face but my seatmate didn't even look at me. I'm not used to this, aish!


Our class end and it's lunch break, Jisoo quickly go to the canteen with her GANG While lisa and seulgi still going together.

I look at the table where my gang is, they look at me and smile to me. MYOB looking at me with their glaring eyes. I sit on the chair and eat quietly, my members didn't try to talk to me because they know how I'm pissed right now.

Then a flying tray land on our table but didn't bother me at all, all of my member stand up same as MYOB gang but me.. I'm still munching my food.

"What's your problem huh?!" Jackson said. He's with us.

"Are we really the one having a problem or your gang is?" Bambam said eyeing jackson and push him they will about to start a fight.

"Stop it." Me and jisoo in unison

Then our colleagues go back at the table.

"Why you don't let me smack his face, I really want to punch him Ace." Jackson said.

"Not now guys. We already talk about this." I said and we heard the bell rang. The lunch break end.

I want to talk to jisoo but I want to make her pay what she did to my members!

Better be ready jisoo-yah..

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Hi guys! It's been awhile hehe😅 sorry for not updating this past few weeks. Thank you still for your support ❤️

Also, Rosé solo will release in MARCH 12, 2021 EMEGED!!!

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