Chapter 4

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The next day, what happened between lisa and seulgi's group could not believe of many students that she was able to beat five people even the light is off, they know how seulgi's gang procedure to get a new member, they will beat you up to take you as a new member or just to beat you cuz they find it fun, however it doesn't work on lisa. It reached the news to other gang and most of them wanted lisa.



5 am

I groaned because of the pain on my stomach I got up from the bed after that put my slippers on, do my morning routine then proceed to my walk in closet while I was wearing my uniform I noticed that I had a bruise on my tummy I gently tap it and It hurt, it hurt so bad this is the result of what happened yesterday. I sigh...

It's still early so I'll hang out at the coffee shop near our school first, maybe I'll just have breakfast there. I'm not comfortable using my ducati cuz having difficulty bending my stomach before I left I gave leo food and kissed his forehead. I locked my door and went to the garage then my BMW i8 welcome me "hi baby girl, it's been a while" i chuckle, opened the door and put my belongings in the other seat and seatbelt on.


I'm already here at the coffee shop I ordered coffee and pasta, I was sitting near the window just wanted to see the outside while people crossing the streets, busy talking with phone etc. I don't know it's just relaxing

While digging into my food I notice i have pasta sauce on my skirt, "what a baby manoban" i look around however the waiter was busy so I just stood up to ask for a tissue at the counter. But someone still ordering so I waited her to finish and stand behind her. She didn't seem to notice my presence and bumped into me, accidentally threw her coffee in my arm.

Deep inside I'm screaming because of the pain but i remain silent. She was panicking, who doesn't?

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry! I really am." She still keep bowing even god not know how many, It was an accident so no one have to blame. She's about to touch my hand but I avoid it and put it in my back

"It's okay.. don't feel guilty, no one wants this" i said honestly.

"I insist, Please, please stay here I'm just gonna go to the nearest boutique, let me treat it" she said with the pleading eyes. I couldn't do anything so I just nod, she left immediately and I sat in my chair, I studied my hand and it's turning red .. getting numb

hearing the little bell meaning someone came in, "that's fast" i whisper

She looked around and saw me, she immediately came then sat down next to me, I moved a little because we were so close to each other she put the plastic bag in the table.

"Can i?" She gestured her hand, i just give my hand so she will be less guilty HAHA then look at the window i felt her hand and she genlty rub the cream on my arm "I'm really sorry, I didn't notice you, it's a good thing you agreed because I would probably can't focuse on my class if you refuse." 'wow her arms is so smooth and her fingers is like a candle, her mysterious face makes me want to know about her more, but what happened to her hand? Why do i care? I'm not gonna ask, but i want to know huhu' the girl said battling with her mind.

I just listen to her, she has a cute voice. I think it's done so i look at her eyes she was stunned of my sudden movements cuz the distance between our faces was only a few inches. She averted her eyes I saw how her cheeks become red 'Ha! Got you HAHA'

"It's alright. I think it's getting better." I lift my arms showing to her "See?" She just give me a small smile. " I'm Nayeon by the way. I really am sorry" she gestured her hand for a handshake then we shake hands. I stared at her face as if she was waiting for an answer i laughed internally she want to know my name huh ok then "I'm lisa, and stop saying sorry it's already done." I said.

"I think I'm gonna go lisa I also need to do something, we just have the same school so see you around" she stood up and wave her hand, I just nod.


Minutes past it's 7 am lisa went to her car go to school then park. Lot's of students keep an eye on lisa walking to her room, she don't give a fuck unless someone want to piss her off.

I just sat peacefully in my chair then the first class began of course the human cat eyed is late i think that's her hobby. She look at me annoyed so i wink at her 'such a cutie'.

The P.E will be our third class so everybody change to P.E attire then proceed to the court. I ponytail my hair but left my bangs down this is my signature guys. I was alone here in the changing room, I heard someone laughing outside then i just ignored it. When I'm done I headed to the door and it's locked! 'Who the fuck locked the door?!' my anger inside me is growing, I can't punch the door so i think I'm gonna kick it, i kick it hard so someone could hear me. I repeat it again and again then I can't no longer kick because I'm freaking tired my sweats is dripping my breathe is unstable then i heard someone shouting my name, i think that's seulgi.

"Yah! Lalisa? Where the fuck are you?! Were in the same team, and our group will be next!" Seulgi said, my lips form a smile to what seulgi said

"I'm here" i said weak then kick one last time, hearing the door unlocked and open give me relief.

"Shit what happened to you? I think they're starting Lalisa, you must be careful I know who's behind this the wolf gang, i heard them talking about a door they locked and how many hours will someone open it, so i decided to look for you." she said giving me a towel

"Thank you seulg. Then let's go! Let me fucking hit those bastards!" I pull seulgi but she suddenly stop

"Not so fast manoban. There's a lot of teacher in the field, so we will do it in the legal way" seulgi and i talk about a minute then proceeds to court.

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