Chapter 37

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I woke up late and it's not new to me, I get up and checked my phone for lili's message.

I throw my phone at my bed and go to the bathroom for a quick shower, and wear what ever my hand get, and drive to lisa's house.

Accelerating my speed and finally I'm infront of her house, quickly unbuckle my seatbelt and go inside her house. I saw new faces but other is not and one is fucking touching and kiss my LOVER!

"MANOBAAAAAAAAN!" I shout making them to look at me while I saw my lisa quickly take off the ugly girls hand and stand to where she's sitting.

Lisa going to me when I take off my one pair of shoe and throw to her, she avoided and hit Seulgi's head instead, I get the other and throw to her again this time is quicker.

"Yah! Jennie!" I heard seulgi but I glared at her and she shut her mouth avoid my gaze.

I smirked as my sneakers land to lisa's face. I'm fucking mad and want to kill that bastard girl!

"N--nini. It's not what your thinking! Right guys?" Lisa said look to her members but no one dare to talk.

"Fuck you guys!" Lisa cursed at them.

I make sure my eyes won't leave at lisa, I clutch my fists into ball and punch lisa's face infront of her gang. All of them flinched while their leader is slowly falling at the floor, I don't know what power is over taking me but I'm fucking sure this won't end well, I leave lisa, then charge to the girl sitting at the couch.

I pull her hair hard and want to take of her head from her neck, all of them panic when I put my weight to the girl's stomach and bang her head on the floor, they try to stop me but they don't want to get hurt.

When a pair of arms hold my waist and lift me up going to lisa's room, I saw the girl smirked while fixing her hair makes me more triggered in anger.

"Stop it nini." Lisa said behind my back, then she lock the door as I aggressively throw the lamp to her luckily she's fast to move.

Everything I hold I throw to her when I start to get tired I stop and tears flow continuously through my face.

Lisa hug and caressing my back.

"D--do you l-love me lisa?" I asked her weakly.

"I do love you nini, more than my life. You are my everything." She said softly kissing my head.

"T--then why you're c..cheating on me!?" I asked, even if I'm afraid to her answer I need to know now. I'm torturing myself because of my fear.

"W--what?" She asked frowned her brows at me. "I will never cheat on you nini. This is misunderstanding."

"I saw you with the other girl last week lisa! So fucking stop putting lies to my head!" I shout at her and my anger is starting again.

I get my phone and go to my gallery finding their lovely pics, As I saw it I push my phone to lisa's chest and going to leave when she say something that stop me from opening her door.

"L--light." She said turning around as we met each other's gaze.

Who the fuck is light! She's hwang yeji!

"She's light, nini. She's my friend." She explain and step forward as I move backwards.

She's the leader of WANNABE gang lisa! What the fuck are you saying?!

"Friends don't kiss lisa. So stop with your bullshits." I spit, can't stop my tears.

"N--no. She kiss me out of nowhere and confess her feelings towards me but she knows that I can't give that to her because I have you nini, She knows that you're the only one I love, She knows that I will never leave you, you're the love of my life, she accepts and respect our relationship before she go to canada."

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