Chapter 32

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Third Person's POV

"Damn, Lisa and Jennie are now officially dating." Ryujin said looking at their leader.

"What happened to the plan Theia?" Yuna asked.

"Easy guys." Yeji said but hurt about the news she heard.

"D.O.P.E gang is on our gang Theia, we can now defeat Bad Bitch." Chaeryeong said.

"We're a head in number of members." Lia said.

"Shut up. Even we're a head or anything we still need to prepare because jennie is smart." Yeji looking at her members.

'I don't think about the throne anymore, I want lisa.'

She said in her head.



Three days after his father accept us, I'm freaking happy, Going to the school first and wait for jennie when a girl came to me.

"Hi." She said excitedly looking at me.

I just smile at her.

"I just want to say that you're really pretty handsome." She said.

"Thank you." I said not wanting to be rude, she then walk away.

I got chill behind my back when I saw a fuming kitten walking to my direction.

She hold my wrist and we go to one empty classroom and pinned me at the wall harshly.

"Why you're talking to that girl huh?!" She said in anger.

"S..she just.." I can't even continue my sentences because of fear.

"SHE WHAT LISA?" She shout at me.

"She compliment me ni--

I never got a chance to finish when she slammed her lips to mine. When we got out of breath she look at me still mad.

"Don't do that again lisa, you don't know what I'm capable of. You're only mine." She said while caressing my cheeks.

Do I need to be bothered with this little human threatening me?

'Of course, she's fucking scary lisa.'

I nod at her quickly and kiss her lips again.

"Yes nini, I will not talk to other girls again, except you." I said to her face lightened up.

"Good." She said and hug me. "Lets go to our room."

We go out at the room when chaesoo look at us.

"Ew guys, not here in school please?" Jisoo said while holding chaeng's hand.

"What?" I asked, chaeyoung point my lips. I look at my phone and I saw my lips are swollen I just heard Jennie's giggle.

"How are you chaeng?" I asked her, she's still sad about her gang but jisoo let them all in MYOB gang.

"Getting better lis." She said and we hug each other.

"Chipmunk still don't want to change our name gang." Jisoo complain like a baby.

"It's your gang chicken not mine." Chaeng said.

"No, it's OUR gang. We need to change it to MIND YOUR OWN AVOCADO." Jisoo spit that made us laugh.

"That's your dream jisoo right?" I said while laughing.

"Yeah! Finally lisa, it will come true!" Jisoo said but we didn't notice that our girls left us and go to our room.

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