Chapter 8

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I got home from school and immediately went to my bed I'm confused to my sudden action earlier. I didn't care to anyone especially the people in our school.

"Did she not remember anything last night? Because it's a good thing if she did not, what if she's just pretending?! Aaaiiissshhh!! I'm going crazy." I buried my face in the pillow then close my eyes and remember what happened last night.


Flash back

I look at the door and decide to unlock it and went inside i roam my eyes and smell the familiar scent that i longing to the person who owned it, i sat at the right side of the bed and opened the first drawer.

I saw a box and took a deep breath before I opened it. A beautiful necklace with ocean wave pendant welcome me it was simple yet elegant I removed it from the box and then a paper fell off. I took the paper on the floor and unfolded it. It was a letter....

Happy birthday to my most grumpy sister.

I just want you to know that I love you so much, I will always take care of you even if you always giving me attitude, when you're having a hard time I will be always by your side i will listen even if takes overnight. We became partners in crimes especially sneaking at midnight HAHAHA. Oppa will always be proud of you. There are more trials you need to go through so do not give up okay? I'll promise not to leave you and always protect you.

Opppa handsome taehyung

My tear drop fell reason to make the paper get wet, I am the reason why he is gone, if I had not force him go to the arcade where i was waiting, he would still be alive.
I'm so selfish, I never even thought he was tired that day because of our company and his school works. I wish I was the only one who died. I wish i also died that day... I wish I'm also in that car..

I decided to go to the cemetery and visit his tomb. I put the flowers beside it and sit.

"What's up.? It's been 2 years when you left I still can't accept that you're gone I hope you're happy because I'm not. I-I'm definitely not... I dared to enter your room and i did, I know you had a gift for me on my birthday but I don't want to accept it because i know I don't deserve it." I cry out loud

"I no longer able to find happiness in this world, what am I gonna do..? I'm losing hope oppa. Get me already.! You promised you'll not leave me, but why am I alone now... I'm sorry oppa. I just want to go back when we we're little playing at the beach chasing each other of course you're there happy and alive. I don't have anyone here mom and dad always in business trip. Our house is not happy as it should be oppa I'm sorry if .... I- I can't fight of my guilt, I miss our movie night. I miss you so much oppa." I broke down and wipe my tears, i feel my eyes are swollen i stand up and went to my car. I saw a bar and feel of drinking tonight..

A loud music echoed all over the place my chest blend in to the loud bass. I went to the bar countertop and ordered a drink, i just chill there and did not notice i consume a lot of alcohol, i feel like going to restroom.

I stand up that's when I felt the alcohol hit me 'fuck'. I'm walking like a zombie my world is freaking turning.

My mind still occupied of me and my brother, when will this loneliness end? I sigh and look myself at the mirror, "You're such a mess." I point my finger on my reflection i put my cap and mask on, I was about to throw up but I can't. I decided to go home I went out the door and someone held my arm tightly.

"Hey miss, I've been looking at you the whole night I see the lonliness in your eyes, I can make you happy also make you moan loud." I can sense the eagerness of this bitch to make me sex with him. I just give him a poker face "Silence means yes."

The feeling that you're having a breakdown and then this?! Give me a break! I'm a strong woman to everyone eyes but why i feel like a statue and can't even speak.

Breathe in breathe out...

Then I slapped him so hard.

"You brat!" He was about to slap me too when a woman came in and kick him and he fall on the ground.

"Oh shit! I kick too hard didn't i?! Hey mister you sleep? You don't have the right to hit a woman ok?! You understand mister? Yah!! Why don't you answer me?!" She asks playfully she's also drunk very drunk, she saw a ballpen on the floor and draw something on the mans face while giggling, now the pervert man look like a retired panda.

my eyes is getting teary I'm thankful that she came.. then i lose it, i hold my knees and cry.. i look at her and it was lisa manoban..

"Hey hey.. I'm sorry you have to see that. Do you want to get out of here??" She asks, she was gentle i just nod like a lost little girl and follow her. We're here at the rooftop the wind blow on my face makes me more relax. She gestured to come closer so i did then i saw the busy city, the lights of the cars the people walking around make more less anxious.

"How?" I asks. Looking now at the sky.

"Ahm I don't know.. i just run fast as i could then kick him so he could not lend a hand on you." She reply.

"Not that. How will you forget something that you think will scarred you for life?"

"Oh that... Ahm.. you know scars heal." She said then sit down so i do too.

"Why mine is not?" I said weak, I actually want an answer.

"It take a long time but it will.. i know it's not easy believe me I've been there, sadness and anger slowly change me and forgot who i really am." I think she's telling the truth.

"Is your scars heal now?"

She put her hand in her chest and tap it, "Is getting better, I learned in this world that no one can help you, so i help myself."

"I don't know where to start." I look at her

"Start tomorrow." She said smiling.

"What if i can't do it? And the reason why I'm like this that person leaves me forever." I look at the stars.

"Even they're not here physically we can still hold the happy memories, they will always have a place in our hearts. I'm not good givin' an advice but I-I think you need to let go what's make you feel sad and accept the fact." She said and tap my back "You cannot change the past, but you can move forward atleast for yourself and remove all the what if's in your life. One day you'll just realize that you made it, because you fight for it, you don't let loneliness eat you." We look at each other. I think she didn't recognize me because of my cap and face mask.

She's busy looking at the star.. i put down my mask under my chin and peck a kiss on her cheeks. "Thank you for tonight, finally i have someone to talk to ." She was surprised I am also, I don't know what gotten into me i can't control my body aisshh.! This is probably the alcohol ok.. I feel embarrassed right now. I quickly put on my mask. I got up "I'm gonna go."

"Are you sure? Do you want me to take you home? I'm just gonna get my friend." She said in a hurry.

"No, no you don't have to. I also have my car don't worry." I said.

"Oh.. okay, ahm I- take care." She said, is she nervous?

"Bye." Then i go down and proceed to my car.


"Aaahhhhhhhh, why the fuck did i kiss her! What if she recognize me? Omygahd!" I panick "remove all the what if's she said.." argh!! I can't!


I go to my oppa's bedroom and lie down. "I miss you oppa." I got up.. again i open the drawer and get the box i put the necklace on and gently touch the pendant while looking at the mirror.. "it's beautiful oppa, thank you for everything. There is no time I do not feel guilty because of what happened to you but someone tell to me that i should move on and help myself because no one will, its like someone throw a stone and hit me in the head. I hope you're proud of me but knowing you i know you are. I love you oppa." I feel relieved ...

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here's an update hope u like it😊

jennie should not have a pov yet but i kind'a feel i want to hehe.

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