Chapter 36

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Leaning my arms at the counter top of a resto bar than the club is more relaxing rather witnessing people's grinding to each other bodies.

"One cosmopolitan please." I said to the bartender that quickly do my order.

"Here you go ma'am." He said leaving me.

I sip at my drinks and put my attention at the stage where a woman is singing a melow song.


Me and Jennie is getting more into fights this days, she's always in a bad mood or fucking easy to snap at anything, I love her I really do and I will never get tired of her and her attitude.

Also noticed that jisoo is avoiding me and even I asked her she always walks out It hurts me, of course she's my one of the best buddy.

"Hey sexy." A girl with a peach hair sit beside me wearing a thin black dress and big earrings.

How did I look sexy wearing a hoodie and pair of pants?

"Hey." I said plainly not wanting a conversation with her.

"Alone?" She asked, I just nod at her and empty my glass. "Two martini please."

The bartender put the two glass at the top, the lady slide it infront of me.

"Here you go sexy. So why such a hottie like you is alone here?" She asked.

I get the drink, after all it's free.

"I just want alone time that's all." I answer her focusing my eyes at my drink then drink it all.

"Oh, Am I bothering you?" She chuckle.

"Yes." I said, "But no worries, I'm about to go home."

I get up from my sit and put the cash at the top but suddenly I feel my sight turn upside down that my feet couldn't handle the dizziness.

I felt an arms wrapped around my waists, I tilt my head to look, it's the girl and she's smirking at me.

"Looks like I need to take care of you sexy." She said seductively, I'm fighting at her grip but I'm really weak.

My vision getting blurry but I can tell that we're walking at the dark alley.


The girl push me hard making me stumble at the ground.

She laugh at me then the laugh become more, I saw three men looking at me.

I keep fighting at the fuck what drinks did I consume, for fuck sake.

"You're really freaking good at this babe." The other man said and kiss the girl aggressively.

Wow, couple hair huh? Disgusting.

"Get everything at her then we'll leave." The man said holding the waist of her girl, the two other start at my pocket, they get my wallet then unclasp getting the cash.

When they're finished they throw it away somewhere.

Thankfully they didn't hurt me not until..

"Nice ring." The man said about to get it to my finger, but I quickly move my hand to cover it with my body, I won't let them get this.

"Come on, give it to us if you don't want to get hurt." He warn me but I stay still.

I feel a kick at my back making me whine in pain, they keep pulling my hands but I keep pushing it to my chest.

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