Chapter 19 / 2.0

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I heard the bell ring so it's lunch time. Jisoo, Chaeng, Seulgi and Dumpling are nowhere to be found. I think they cut class.

"Hey alpha!" I heard haruto while waving his hand waiting at the door with the others. I go to them and we proceed to canteen.

I saw chaeyoung at the front choosing her food. My gang member find first a table where can we eat, I said to them I just gonna go talk to someone and they agree. I go to chaeng and I back hug her and felt her body slightly stiffen she look at me shock so I smile at her.

"Yah! lisa-yah you scared me" she said kissing my cheeks. Me and chaeyoung use to this kind of clinginess to each other, and we don't mind what people think.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't see you a while ago" I said let go of the hug and get a tray and getting some food.

"Miss me already lisa?" She said and chuckles. I nod at her and smile. She averted her eyes at me and I saw her blushing.

"Oh.. i miss you too" she said. I put juice in her tray. "We just preparing for tomorrow." She said and i look at her like 'for what' face.

"It's nothing actually." She said and pinch my cheeks, "how's your new gang?" She look at me I got shy at her because she offered me to join in her gang but I refuse.

"So you knew already." I said scratching my nape and smile awkwardly.

"Of course, all of the students knows about it." She pat my shoulder, "and I know that you already defeat another gang just having a six members." She said and smile at me like she's very proud.

"S-stop, you're making me shy." I said. And she laugh.

"Don't be. Just promise me that you will not end up in the hospital again okay?" She said.

"I promise, you too." I hug her and we go to our own group.

I put my tray in the table still smiling.

"Ooohh!! Smiling alpha i like it." Hanbin said, i look at them and their raising their eyebrows.

"Yah! Stop that. Let's just eat." I said to them. But haruto won't stop looking.

"Are you two dating? It's too obvious alpha." Haruto said in a teasing tone. I can feel my cheeks heat up.

"Oh look! She's blushing!" Sehun said. They laugh at me. I just shake my head and ignore them, but they didn't stop so I glared at them and it work, they now just eating their food.

I'm peacefully eating my lunch when the twins start to fight again. Aish.

"Yah bitch! Why did you drink my juice!" Haruto said and smack hanbin head.

"Mine was gone already dumbass, I just drink a little don't be OA! (overeating), and don't shout at me! I'm older than you!" Hanbin said and punch Haruto's shoulder hard. Haruto hissed in pain

"It was only a minute apart before I got out on our mom pussy! I doesn't matter you bitch!" Haruto choke hanbin, and hanbin do the same.

"Still!!! I'm the first who got out!" Hanbin complain.

"Because you blocked my way to go out! I must come out first!!!!!!" They still choking each other. All of the people here in the canteen looking at our table.

Me, sehun, karina, dahyun and felix is now use to this fucking twins always fighting. I quickly stand up and leave them. I have enough, I'm fucking embarrassed. They follow me and leave the two still killing each other.

"We didn't know them hehe." Dahyun said and slightly covering her face with her hand.


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