Chapter 6

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Third Person's POV

Their game is about to begin so they proceed to their places, seulgi and lisa already had planned earlier they have no plans to play clean, their plan is to hurt those who locked lisa in the changing room but they will not make it obvious and show it as if it was just an accident. They are in opposite sides so it's easily for them to do their intention they don't care if they lose as long as they get their revenge.

Their positions will be Bambam, Lisa and Joy while on the other side is Jinyoung, Seulgi and Miyeon, then the opponents are Kai, Chanyeol, Sehun, Mina, Baekhyun and Sana.
Lisa's target will be Kai and Chanyeol then seulgi's are Baekhyun and Sehun.

Mr. Jiyong whistle so the game starts, Bambam is the one holding the ball and the opponents start running they avoided the ball that throwing to them, seulgi has the ball in her hand then look at lisa and smirked. Their first plan Seulgi threw the ball intentionally in the middle so fast and no one was hit.

"We have a stupid playmate" Chanyeol said.
Then a ball hit hard the back of his head, making her head down he turn around and it was lisa.

"Suddenly feel dizzy?" Lisa said then wave a goodbye teasingly.

"Don't target the head manoban" Ms. Minzy said.

"Sorry ma'am" Lisa said rubbing the back of her neck.

Chanyeol is eliminated so they start playing again, joy started throwing and nobody got hit they keep duck, dip, and dive. Jinyoung carefully throw the ball so no one get hurt then Sana got hit in her shoulder, there are only four of them Miyeon throw the ball and Kai's easily catch it.

The game keep going seulgi and lisa wink at each other to start their full plan. Lisa throw the ball downward and seulgi catch it and throw it again, their team keep throwing second plan is make their opponents get tired. Lisa observe the opponents is getting slower and slower.

Baekhyun is two steps closer to sehun lisa signal seulgi for their 3rd plan, she throw the ball so high so the opponent will not know who will be the next target everyone look up where will the ball go then a hand got it, seulgi look at mina like she's her target but no one expect what's the next move seulgi did.

"Gotcha!" Seulgi said looking at mina, mina is in the right side but the ball is aiming at the left then 'BOOM' the ball hit sehun's shoulder reason to bounce and hit baekhyun jaw.

"I'm gonna kill youuu!!" Baekhyun is about to run but Mr. Jiyong whistle

"Do you want to die first?! It's not her fault Baekhyun, she use strategy to deceive you by looking at mina but the ball is directing to the both of you. So no violation" Mr. Jiyong explain

"But sir?! She intend to do that!" baekhyun said not accepting the fact he's elimanted

"Did you not hear me Mr. Baekhyun? Or do you want to clean this court for one month all by yourself?" Teacher Jiyong look calm but her eyes can tell that he's mad. Baekhyun shut his mouth and walked away looking at seulgi "Get ready to be beaten up" baekhyun whisper, seulgi lift her middle finger for Baekhyun to see and pretend she has something in her eyes.

"Ahm ok.. You only have six minutes left..!" Ms. Minzy warn

They continue playing they keep throwing the ball to kai and mina but no luck.
Lisa saw that the bandage in her right hand is getting loose and decided to remove it so she can hold the ball well. The leader of the wolf gang is the last target of lisa and seulgi, they pass the ball entirely to each other as if they do not have teammates.

"What the fuck are you two doing?!" Bambam said

"Give us the ball, We're going to loose" Miyeon said

But the two did not listen to them because of the eagerness to have revenge on kai. Lisa has the ball and did not notice that her cut in her knuckle is starting to bleed. She hold the ball hard position it in her chest then throw it straight to kai, Kai stunned by the speed but manage to duck.. mina was the one who receive it because she was in the back that time, mina sat down because of the ball impact in her chest.

Lisa was shocked she close her hand tight and clenched her jaw and immediately run towards mina then bend to match Mina's position "I'm sorry.. are you okay?? Do you want me to bring you to the clinic?" Lisa don't know what to do she was blinded by her anger. "I'm so sorry."

"I'm okay.. i just need to sit down because I'm tired, y-your hand." Mina look at lisa worried lisa lift her hand slightly to see it, then she saw her blood is dripping to her finger. Mina took her handkerchief and was about to get lisa's hand but lisa hesitate.

"It's okay. I don't want to see people playing with bloody hands." Mina smile, lisa just let mina put her handkerchief in her knuckle and knot it.

"Thank you, I owe you one" Lisa said.

"That's enough love birds.! That's what you get when you do not focus on the game loser." Kai said, Lisa was about to punch kai but mina quickly grab lisa's hand.

"He's not worth it" Mina said. Lisa just nod and help mina to stand.

"Are you okay mina?" Ms. Sandara said. Mina just smile to assure that she's okay. "Three minutes left"

Lisa saw the human cat irritated walk to the door with irene. 'Leaving already?'

Lisa get the ball and lift her two eyebrows to seulgi sign that this is their last plan. Lisa pretend to throw the ball then Kai move to the right lisa knew what's will kai next move so she put the ball to her left hand then throw it downward the ball bounce on the floor and hit Kai's cock.

You can feel the pain on his face, his position looked like a fetus inside a woman wombs holding the most precious part of his body.

"You f-fucker.!" Kai said.

"You move slow so that's why" Lisa smirks.

Teacher jiyong whistle "Oohhh. I can sense your soul leaving your body here kai, but A-high section won, congrats." He said, our section celebrate by shouting.


Minutes after the ring bell, Seulgi walk towards lisa and put her hand in her shoulder.

"You bitch! You hit him hard!" Seulgi said you can see that she's proud to lisa

"He deserve that. Lunch is on me" Lisa smile widely for the first time.

"Yah! You look more good when you smile!" Seulgi said

"Don't say it out loud that's my secret."Lisa whisper then smile a loud smack land on her head "If you keep doing that seulgi I'm gonna kill you!"

"That's the last compliment you'll ever heard from me lisa, you stupid big head!" They both laugh and go to the cafeteria.

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here's an update, hope you like it😊

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