Chapter 7

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Days, weeks and months past the flow of lisa being student is getting well, she thought it would be a normal school year because she has no longer involved in any trouble. The bond between her and seulgi became even stronger, lisa trusted seulgi so as seulgi, sometimes seulgi go to in lisa's apartment. They treat each other as siblings since lisa is only child, either one of them don't know how to cook so they just order or go out when they are both lazy to get food, they decide to sleep.


Is there an earthquake? Why the fuck my whole body feels like shaking?.. I slightly open my eyes and slowly seeing an ugly bear shaking me then I'm hearing her ugly voice... Ugh annoying.

"Yah! How many hours do you want me to wake you up stupid, why did i even say yes to come with you at the club huh?! My head is killing me!" Seulgi said still shaking my body

"Can you stop seulgi?! I still want to sleep" i lift the blanket to cover my face but seulgi pull it until it falls on the floor. "Yah!!"

"I just want to remind you that it's monday lalisa and we have class...!!" Seulgi said while fixing her hair, she's already wearing her uniform.

"And so??" I reply

"No one cut class especially on monday" seulgi answer

"Don't you want that? we are the only students who will be absent on monday" i said trying to convince her then make a cute face

"You lazy ass, you know that kind of thing didn't work on me so better ready yourself and we both going to school." seulgi said

"Aaaiiisshhh, yes mommy." I get up frustrated then proceeds to bathroom.

I just let the water fall down to my body, i drank too much last night so here i am complaining about my headache, i didn't even remember how me and seulgi manage to go home.

I'm done fixing myself then we got in the car and went to school.


8:40 am

Seulgi and I are late but we don't care, I didn't know this bear has tradition that is forbidden to absent every Monday. I sneak at the back when i saw our teacher is already teaching, seulgi follow me we did not expect there was a flying eraser coming, so what I did... I swiftly get seulgi and use her as a human shield HAHA it hit her face.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you lisaaaaaa." Mad seulgi said

"You can't, I'm too precious" i whisper and giggle, I was behind her.

"Both of you! Why don't you enter here at the first door?! You just interrupt my discussion." Miss Bom said and her one eyebrows up, all of our classmate eyes on us except one and is the human cat.

"Exactly ma'am, we don't want to interrupt the discussion so 'WE' " i put my one arm on seulgi's shoulder she just glare at me. "decided to enter here at the back, sorry for being late on your class ma'am this will be the last." I bow but seulgi did not so i push her head down and we both bow down 90 degrees.

"You better be, if you don't want detention. Go to your seats" Ms. Bom buy my excuse we just nod then go to our chair.

I felt someone staring at me so i roam my eyes and find who is it, it was jennie 'what's her problem?' then she averted her eyes.

The class continued and a few hours later its lunch break. Me and seulgi eating our food. Then wolf gang pass by then I felt something cold throw over my head it was a cola, my jaw clenched and i slam the table hard and students stop to what their doing and look at me. I stand up and saw kai smile.

"Is it cold? Aaiisshh i accidentally trip but it's a good thing i threw it in the proper trash can. Right boys?" Kai is about to look at his gang then my fist land on his face.
He's about to fall but his gang quickly catch him.

"Is it hurt? My hand accidentally land to a dog that has no balls and acting like a tough guy, look at his face... His face about to cry." I said teasing him

"Yaaaaah!! I'm gonna kill you!" Kai face is starting to red.

"Awwwee. He's starting to tantrum, can someone give him a glass of milk." I make sad face "by the way your nose is bleeding asshole."

Kai was about to punch me when suddenly someone came in mediate between us. It's jennie i can smell her strawberry scent, I'm starting to love it.

"That's enough kai. I want a peaceful lunch but you two ruined it." She said visible to her face the irritation.

"You'll pay for this." Kai said holding his bloody nose, then walk.

"Bye bitch." I wave my hand, then the human cat look at me. "What? Look at me I'm the victim here."

"Put some ice on your hand." She command and just like that she walk away leaving me dumfounded,

'why do you suddenly care jennie?'

"Ok tell me, what the fuck just happened?!" Seulgi following me to change my uniform in to hoodies.

"I don't know either." I trully don't know huhu

"Jennie kim just act that she cared for you! What's with you lisa. That's the first time she intervened in other's business." Shocked all over her face.

"Stop questioning me seulgi cuz I don't know what answer will give to you." I reply then go to our room.

When I sat down, I looked at jennie she was busy scrolling to her phone and our teacher came in.

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Hi guys. I'm having a hard time right now, but I'm ok.. i guess..?

Here's an update, enjoy🙂

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