Chapter 33

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Finally, we only have two months before winter break.

"Hey love, are you sure you don't want me to change my name gang?" I asked while focusing on driving.

"Yes, how many times do I have to tell you that." She said with a bit annoyed.

"It's just.. you know.."

"I don't want this conversation jisoo." She said and silent surround us.

"Ok ok.. I'm sorry." I said take her hand and put a kiss at the back.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked but she did not answer me. "Love, are you mad? I'm sorry."

"You choose." She said plainly without her cheerful voice.

I upset her.

Ok let's go to her favorite restaurant.

Minutes of driving I turn off the engine and go outside to open the car door for her.

"Here we are." I said smiling at her while getting her hand.

"My favorite resto!" She said and squill, but then she cough and go back to her mad face.

Such a cutie, you can't resist food my love.

"You can choose whatever you want love, my treat." I said to her while the crew guide us at our table.

"As you should kim jisoo." She said glaring at me, I just chuckle because of her cuteness.

Jisoos christ! Our table is full of food.

"Hey l-love are you sure you're going to finish all of this?" I said and look at our table.

"Of course and you're going to help me." She said starting to eat while doing a little dance on her chair.


Fuck! I'm full.

After eating we decided to barge into lisa's house.


"What's up manoban!" I shout I saw how she jump on her sofa with a shock face.

"Fuck you jisoo!" Lisa said throw the water bottle at me that I quickly avoid. "I need to change where my keys so you can no longer get here."

"I don't care, I can still get here without any keys." I said and smirked at her.

"I told her to knock lisa but she's stubborn." Chipmunk said and they hug each other.

"Where's jenduek?" I asked.

"She's on her way." Lisa said, she get her phone on her pocket.

"Jenduek?" I said.

"Uhm.. no, can you stay here chu? I just need to buy something." She said like she's in a hurry.

"Yeah sure." I said while reading her.

Something's off.

"Tell that to nini if she get here. Bye!" Lisa said getting her car keys and proceed outside.

"Why she's on a hurry?" Chipmunk said while picking movies.

"I don't know love, I think it's very important." I said as I lean a kiss on her cheeks and we start to watch.



Shit shit shit.

I received a message from light that she's on the edge of the cliff that we just discover last night.

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