Chapter 3

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The class end, seulgi is waiting for me outside, When i saw her, She gestured her hand. I followed her looked around were here at the back of school, there's a lot of trash and broken chairs I also noticed that there was an abandoned janitor room. I heard seulgi whistle.. there were five people coming out of the abandoned room.

"Your ready lalisa?" She stared at me as if she knew what was going to happen, she guided me to that room and her gang member entered first. We already entered and its nice and big inside, there are two punching bag and one sofa.

"Welcome to the Monster's hide out lalisa, this is not our main hide out. We just spend time here when it's break time" seulgi tap my back

"So your gang name is Monster?" I asked

"Yup, Is it cool? I was the one who think our name I'm freaking genius" seulgi said loud and proud, such a dork. "Enough for the playtime let's start"

"ok let's do this" i position myself for this fight then these five women surrounded me and they're ready to be beaten up, I was surprised when the light suddenly went out I could see nothing and the door closed.

"I forgot to tell you that we turn off the light for some thrill, you may start. Enjoy" seulgi shout outside

"Fuck" I whisper

I just need to listen in their every move, you need to focus, just focus lisa "shit!" I said because I was hit in the face "you will pay for this!" I wiped the blood off my lips.

I grabbed the woman and punch her face i no longer care about my hands my anger is eating me, One down four to go. I heard someone coming towards me and I quickly avoided her flying kick, I'm not also sure if that's flying kick but I'm surely sure that's gonna hurt if that hit me, I grabbed her hair and kick her stomach she sat down and could not breathe "you good?" I asked.

The other one shouted at me, stupid fool if she will attack she should just be quiet she even gave me a clue where she is, when I was about to punch, I suddenly got on my knees because someone hit me in the back then punched my stomach twice, I thought I was going to faint but I forced myself to stand up. I held the hand who punched me and I hit her head hard with my head.
Two to go, i feel dizzy I'm gonna finish this I want to sleep

"Hey yeri, get the baseball bat" One of the member said.

"Yah! That's cheating. Seulgi did not say anything about that." I said and ready myself

"Exactly. You can use whatever you want" i heard them laugh

I could hear their footsteps, I was hit in the arm then I bent down and crawled away, they keep swinging their bat, maybe they're just new members.. they didn't know I was already behind them and I kicked both the backs of their knees, when they were on their knees I quickly stood up and banged their heads.

"I think were done here" i fixed my hair and uniform and went to the door, I could just hear their groaned because of the pain they get. I knocked on the door to signal that the fight was over, I heard it open and noticed the sky is painted with orange color and a little bit of red.

"You did a good job gir-- wait what?!" She was surprised when I was the one she saw, she turned on the light and could not believe that her member was lying on the floor.

"So now you'll let me be seulg right? A deal is a deal. And you owe me a tour" I tap her head and walk away as if nothing had happened. Their other member also arrived, they are about 15 people in my prediction.

I went to the parking lot and rode my Ducati, I just want to lie down on my bed especially sleep. What a tiring day.


I was welcomed by the dark of my living room so i turn on the light, the only light that I left open was in the kitchen furthermore I looked for Leo and saw him on my sofa sleeping peacefully. I took off my shoes and immediately went to the bathroom
when the water flowed through my body I feel a sting on my hand because of the wound, a few minutes later I came out the bathroom put on my pajamas, sat on the sofa and took the emergency kit, I clean my wound on my lip also put ice on it then put bandage on my hand. I went to the kitchen to prepare my instant food and also for leo, I finished everything I had to do so I just sat on the sofa watched a movie while eating my food.

The movie ended so I decided to sleep i carry leo and put him on my bed.

Good night Leo.

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Fri, Jan 8 2021

I'm not good at details, I'm really sorry
just enjoying what my imagination is taking me. Hopefully you'll appreciate it.

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