Chapter 12

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Third Person's POV

9:37 PM sunday

Kai was way back home from the convenience store, he's enjoying his sandwich when he felt someone is following him, to make sure he turn around and saw there's nobody so he just continue walking. He walk at the last corner to reach their house but suddenly his eyesight darkened and he did not know what happen next.

Kai heard a loud thud making him to wake up he open his eyes and saw nothing but darkness, the light suddenly turned on makes he dazzled by the light. He was about to stand up but he felt his hands and feet was tied to his seat, he's trying to untie himself but it's no use. He heard someone so he looked in the direction from which the laughter came.

"Who's that?" Kai asked. "Don't you know me huh?! Do you want to die?! Who the fuck are you!? Let me go!"

"Fucking annoying, are you threatening me boy? Or I'm the one who suppose to say that? Do you want to die?" A man said hidden by the dark.

Kai felt shivered because of the man's voice and he is unable to speak and bite his dry lips.

"I have no case against you but someone called me and instruct me to have a little fun with you. Base on my research you really like to have fun right? Who don't?" The man said. Kai heard moving the page as if someone were reading it. Five men with a mask came to untie her, then a man tied again his hand on the chain on top of him to make him look like a punching bag. The five men start to beat kai over and over, until his face is full of blood and bruises.

"What do you want from me?" Kai weakly said.

"Hmm. I don't want anything from you."

"So why I'm here?!" Kai shout.

Then a woman voice interfere their conversation it's really sound familiar to him.

"Let's just say you bump to someone that really important to me instead of being sorry you make fun of it ..." The woman voice said.

"It's not making any sense" kai answer. The woman laugh a little.

"Oh kai.. You really dig your own grave."

"Show yourself asshole!"

"Shhh.. let me tell you something, i know your family little deepest secret kai. Your father who works illegally just to provide for the needs of a worthless child like you. What is he selling again?" The woman asked.

"What the fuck are you talking about!?" It can see in his face the guilt.

"I know you know what I'm saying.. in fact you will be the one who will manage it right? How much did your father earn by selling dr*gs to the teenager hmm kai? Do you want to see how your father rot in jail especially your mother who knows everything."

"Don't you fucking include my mother here! Just fucking kill me." Kai said in rage.

"Awwee. Such a sweet boy. Also you and your father not only sell but also used dr*gs. Your parents will not waste time just to look for you, but you.. you'll sacrifice yourself not to expose your families secret." The woman clap. "I'm amaze."

"I will do anything you want ok?! Just don't ever expose us!" Kai's voice is shaking when he said that then a teardrop fell.

"Anything? Sure. It's simple I don't want to see your face ever again here in Seoul, I don't care where the fuck you will go. Take note that even if you have a lot of money, I am still stronger than you. In just a snap i can end your life right now or if I see you again here at seoul. And I'll promise that your parents will be living like hell." The women threaten.

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