Chapter 34

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Waiting outside of Jennie's house so we can go to school together.

There I saw my beautiful baby nini going out to her house, I ready myself for a kiss but she ignore me and straight ahead inside my car.

Maybe she's on her bloody days.

"Hey what's wrong nini?" I asked she just roll her eyes at me.

"Drive now lisa, I don't want to be late." She said annoyed.

I did what she want, our trip is silent until I stop at the school parking lot, she didn't wait for me and leave the car.

I quickly unbuckle my seatbelt and run towards her grabbing her wrist.

"Nini." I said confused with her attitude.

"What?" She said blank face.

"Do we have a problem?" I asked.


"Why you're acting like this?" I hug her and caressing her back.

Her body calm and exchange my hugs.

"I love you nini, forgive me if I did something that make you upset." I said in a soothing voice.

"I love you too lili." She said and give me her gummy smile.

That cause me to kiss her lips.

"Good morning to you too guys." Seulgi said while holding hands with Irene.

"Good morning seulgihoe." I said as we do our handshakes.

We proceed to our room.


Entering the cafeteria nini wants to eat with her gang so I let her.

I look at chaesoo sitting also at their gang members, chaeyoung wave her hand at me while jisoo is busy playing with her phone.

"Not getting tired of playing chu?" I asked jisoo as I put my arms around her shoulder but she take it off and chuckle in mockery.

"Ask the to yourself lisa." She said, I saw chaeng hold her arm but she move and walk out.

"Don't mind her lisa she's not in the mood." Chaeng said smile at me.

What's wrong with the kims today?

I proceed going to my gang table.

"Alpha aren't we going to get a new member?" Karina asked out of nowhere.

"Yeah, we're the only gang that has eight members." Sehun chuckle as he munch his food.

"Do you want it guys?" I asked them.

"Not totally." Haruto said.

"Why?" Hanbin said.

"I don't know, I feel unique in this gang, come to think of it we're just eight but still didn't lose." Haruto said.

"Then?" Felix asked.

"If we got new members we'll become much stronger." Hanbin said.

"Yeah, but.. it's up to you guys. Maybe I just want us to be like this and not adding another members." Haruto said and sigh.

"Okay we're going to vote about this, put your scarf on the table that wants to add another members." I said they nod their head.

"In 3..2..1.."

Karina, Hanbin, Felix, Sehun put their scarf at the table while Haruto, Dahyun and seulgi didn't. I'm excluded because I can go both sides.

"I guess our gang is open for a new member." I said as I look at haruto with the face of defeat.

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